blackjaq17's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Panaca, Nevada

Cathedral Gorge

Narrow slot canyons in a badland eroded into soft sedimentary rock provide an otherworldly landscape in this remote Nevada state park.
Downieville, California

Craycroft Building

Downieville's largest Gold Rush structure still standing has one of the longest bars in California.
Portola, California

Western Pacific Railroad Museum

A unique museum where guests can rent and operate a locomotive.
South Lake Tahoe, California

Vikingsholm Castle

One woman's Viking Castle on Lake Tahoe.
Genoa, Nevada

Genoa Bar & Saloon

Decor at “Nevada’s Oldest Thirst Parlor” includes Raquel Welch's brassiere hanging from a stuffed moose head.
Virginia City, Nevada

Piper's Opera House

Back in the day everyone who was anyone played this historic western theater.
Virginia City, Nevada

Red Dog Saloon

A Wild West saloon that helped define a generation of psychedelic rock.
Virginia City, Nevada

St. Mary’s Art Center

A former mining hospital is now a vibrant artistic hub.
Virginia City, Nevada

Gold Hill Hotel

The oldest hotel in Nevada.
Reno, Nevada

Dymaxion Car at the National Automobile Museum

The only surviving prototype of Buckminster Fuller's revolutionary car.
Reno, Nevada

Natural Selection

This mother-daughter run curiosities shop is a beautifully odd mix of taxidermy and exotic plants.
Sparks, Nevada

Scheels Sporting Goods

Curiously, this large sporting goods store features 14 wax representations of American presidents.
Reno, Nevada

Wilbur D. May Museum

An eccentric millionaire's personal curio collection includes at least one shrunken head.
Reno, Nevada

Hunter Creek Falls

This wilderness hike to a waterfall has an unlikely beginning in suburban Reno.
Reno, Nevada

Airmail Arrow

A concrete arrow from a 1920s network of airmail beacons is still preserved at the western edge of suburban Reno.
San Bernardino County, California

Mojave Phone Booth

In the middle of the desert, miles from any human life, sat an anomalous pay phone that still magically answers your calls.
Goodsprings, Nevada

Pioneer Saloon

The wild west is still alive and well at this authentic mining town watering hole.
Henderson, Nevada

The Simpsons House

Originally built as a promotional giveaway, this suburban house was designed to be an IRL version of the Simpson home.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Underground House

A luxurious doomsday bunker hidden beneath an unassuming Las Vegas home offers the best of subterranean suburbia.
New York, New York

The Hidden Art Deco Tunnel Underneath the New Yorker Hotel

The beautiful tunnel that ran from the lobby to Penn Station is still hidden underneath 34th Street.