alecbaechle's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sandwich, Massachusetts

Sandwich Glass Museum

This delicate museum is devoted to the art and industry that once supported Cape Cod's oldest town.


The most powerful waterfall in all of Europe.
Brooklyn, New York

Brooklyn Superhero Supply Store

The one-stop shop for all of your superhero (or evil arch-nemesis) needs.
Brooklyn, New York

New York Transit Museum

Ride the subways of yesteryear.
Brooklyn, New York

Le Boudoir

Just your average Marie Antoinette–themed speakeasy in an abandoned 19th-century subway tunnel.
Queens, New York

'The Ramp'

Where the four original members of the Ramones hung out and revolutionized punk rock.
Queens, New York

Valencia Movie House

The Vatican of the movie industry turned into an actual church.
Brooklyn, New York


Check out the underground party scene at the "Burning Man of Brooklyn."
Brooklyn, New York

Bushwick City Farms

Two community gardens under the elevated subway lines on a very busy commercial strip in Bushwick.
Brooklyn, New York

Bushwick Schoolhouse

An 1883 schoolhouse now home to collective of artists.
Brooklyn, New York

Precious Metal

A yoga studio and venue for "chill-out parties" in a former chicken slaughterhouse.
Brooklyn, New York

City Reliquary

Behind a bodega is a small museum of relics and ephemera showcasing the history of New York.
Falmouth, Massachusetts

The Garden of Our Lady

Marigolds, rosemary, Madonna lilies, and the Virgin’s Bower decorate this Massachusetts sacred garden.
Scituate, Massachusetts

Maritime and Irish Mossing Museum

A quaint museum nestled in a former hub of Irish moss harvesting.
Wareham, Massachusetts

Porter Thermometer Museum

The world's best collection to gauge whether or not you should wear a scarf outside.
Yarmouth, Massachusetts

The Edward Gorey House

Eclectic collections, artwork, and some feline friends fill the writer's former home.
Sandwich, Massachusetts

Sandwich Boardwalk

Hundreds of personalized inscribed planks make up this historic boardwalk.
Orleans, Massachusetts

Nauset Beach

Centuries-old hoofprints and wagon tracks reveal themselves after a good winter storm.
Dennis, Massachusetts

Cape Cinema

The ceiling of this vintage movie palace is covered in fantastic Art Deco murals.
Eastham, Massachusetts

Three Sisters Lighthouses

These three lighthouses played a fundamental role in the maritime life of Eastham.
Eastham, Massachusetts

Billingsgate Island

The Atlantis of Cape Cod reemerges during the lowest of tides.
Provincetown, Massachusetts

The Pest House Cemetery

A 19th-century smallpox cemetery is being reclaimed by scrub forest and sand dunes.
Provincetown, Massachusetts

Toys of Eros

This stimulating sex toy museum is sure to arouse the interest of its visitors.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Hidden South Confessional

Inside this art and oddity-filled shop, a small room filled with secrets.