blueridgeslikers's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Elkhart, Indiana
Places visited in Walhalla, South Carolina
Places visited in Grayling, Michigan
Places visited in Papua New Guinea
Places visited in Keystone, South Dakota
Places visited in Ramla, Israel
Places visited in Sæby, Denmark
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Hildebran, North Carolina

Abandoned Henry River Mill Village

An abandoned village that doubled as "The Hunger Games"' post-apocalyptic wasteland is up for grabs.
Pittsboro, North Carolina

Clyde's Critter Crossing

A folk art mecca famous among outsider art fans.
Hillsborough, North Carolina

Historic Occaneechee Speedway

One of the few surviving original NASCAR dirt-track speedways.
Durham, North Carolina

Duke Lemur Center

This research center for rare prosimians is studying how they sleep to help prolong human life.
Ocracoke, North Carolina

Portsmouth Village

A forgotten sea village stands silent after hurricanes deemed it obsolete.
Beaufort, North Carolina

North Carolina Maritime Museum at Beaufort

A maritime museum holding the remains of Blackbeard's pirate ship.
Rose Hill, North Carolina

Mother Vine Scuppernong Wine

This sweet Southern elixir comes from what may be the oldest grape vine in North America.
Wilmington, North Carolina

Pachinko World

The only pachinko parlor in the United States.
Wilmington, North Carolina

Stanley Rehder Carnivorous Plant Garden

Garden dedicated to native carnivorous plants and site of huge flytrap heist.
Härjedalen, Sweden

Greta Garbo Statue of Integrity

This statue, deep in a Swedish forest, is all alone, just like the renowned recluse would have wanted.
Noisy-sur-École, France

Les Sables du Cul du Chien

An unusual sand beach in the middle of a forest.
Oakland, New Jersey

Van Slyke Castle Ruins

The remains of a century-old mansion that met a fiery demise years after it was deserted.
Charlotte, North Carolina

Wall Poems of Charlotte

Colorful murals stationed throughout Charlotte bring poetry to everyone.
Charlotte, North Carolina

Big Rock Nature Preserve

These strange large stones served as a campsite and lookout post for generations of Native Americans.
Pompeii, Italy

Stone Phalluses of Pompeii

The walls and streets of the ancient city are peppered with penises.
New York, New York

Citigroup Center Stilts

If it hadn't been caught in time, a flaw in the design of this Manhattan skyscraper could have led to its collapse.
Asheville, North Carolina

Pritchard Park Drum Circle

Every week, a festive public jam session breaks out in downtown Asheville.
Hendersonville, North Carolina

Apple Valley Model Railroad Club

Inside this old train depot resides a multi-line model train covering western North Carolina.
Sodus, New York

Abandoned Girl Scout Camp at Beechwood State Park

A deteriorating 1990s Girl Scout camp in a beautiful lush park on Lake Ontario.
Perth, Ontario

Mammoth Cheese Replica

A fake block of cheese remembers a feat of dairy engineering from the Chicago World's Fair.
Prince Edward, Ontario

Lake on the Mountain

A mysterious lake provides fresh water without any source, somehow restoring itself from atop its mountaintop perch.
Zavikon Island, Ontario

Zavikon Island

The purported world's shortest international bridge connects a homeowner in Canada to his backyard in New York.
Alexandria, New York

Deer Island

The private island of Yale's elite Skull & Bones society is kind of a dump.
Wellesley Island, New York

Just Room Enough Island

This tiny little island has, as the name says, just enough room for its single house.