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Stirling, Scotland

Grave Robbing Headstone

A grave marker depicting a body snatching tableau on a 19th-century tombstone.
Stirling, Scotland

The Bastion & Thieves Pot

Hidden in this modern shopping center is a relic of 16th-century capital punishment.
Stirling, Scotland

Wolf Craig

A distinctive building that incorporates a mythical beast into its architecture.
Edinburgh, Scotland

'The Cutty Stool'

A bronze statue of a low three-legged seat commemorates a piece of furniture that started a riot.
Edinburgh, Scotland

St Giles' Cathedral Thistle Chapel

The 20th-century chapel’s intricate woodwork includes amazing details, most notably angels playing bagpipes.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Edinburgh Maiden

This early version of the guillotine was used to execute the man responsible for its construction.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Cramond Lioness

This Roman relic was discovered in Scotland by a mudlarking ferryman.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Great Hall Ceiling at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery

Sprawled across the Great Hall ceiling are various constellations and images relating to the zodiac.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Altered Traffic Signs

An artist's whimsical transformation of everyday objects.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Regent Bridge

A roadway designed for a visiting monarch.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Cafe Royal

Come for the oysters, stay for the priceless art honoring inventors across history and Scotland's favorite outdoor sports.
Edinburgh, Scotland


This painting of a beloved dog will be on display at the Scottish National Gallery at long as the museum exists.
Edinburgh, Scotland

'Center of Edinburgh' Bollard

This mundane post marks the old location of the city's main postal hub.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Monument to the Scottish Parliament

A stone monument acknowledging Scotland's right to have a separate Parliament from the one in Westminster.
Edinburgh, Scotland

James Braidwood Statue

Dedicated to the Father of the British Fire Service.
Edinburgh, Scotland

St. Bernard's Well

A beautiful Greco-Roman structure houses a well once believed to have healing powers.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Old Stockbridge Market

The remnants of a facade from a 19th-century market stall emporium.
Edinburgh, Scotland

‘A Canine Connection’

This sculpture commemorates Edinburgh's sister city and their respective celebrity dogs.
Edinburgh, Scotland

'The Manuscript of Monte Cassino'

This sculpture of disembodied body parts forms a poignant memory of the horrors of World War II.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Tiffany Glass Window at The Parish Church of St Cuthbert

One of only three examples of a stained glass window manufactured by the Tiffany Company in Scotland.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Charlotte Square

This city square dates back to the Scottish Enlightenment and was home to some of Scotland's brightest minds.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Catherine Sinclair Monument

A rare memorial paying homage to an altruistic woman from the 19th-century.
Edinburgh, Scotland


A public art installation with a nautical themed poem, enhances this pedestrian street.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Mary King's Close

17th century streets hidden under Edinburgh were once a breeding ground for the black death.