piercefoster13's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Grass Valley, California

Del Oro Theatre

A fine mixture of the old and the new topped with an art deco neon spire.
Grass Valley, California

Empire Mine State Park

The Empire Mine is "one of the oldest, largest, deepest, longest and richest gold mines in California."
Nevada City, California

The Lone Grave

A grave dedicated to the pioneers who settled California.
French Corral, California

Wells Fargo Express Office

Built to hold Gold Rush wealth, this building has withstood the test of time.
Rough and Ready, California

Rough and Ready

The first U.S. town to secede from the Union, only to vote themselves right back in.
Smartsville, California


Once the largest town in eastern Yuba County now sits abandoned.
Calistoga, California

California's Old Faithful

California's own majestic geyser is powered by a subterranean volcano.
Calistoga, California

Calistoga Pioneer Cemetery

This historic California cemetery holds the bodies of veterans of both the Civil War and the Donner Party.
Calistoga, California

Calistoga Petrified Forest

The fossilized remains of ancient California redwoods.
Sebastopol, California

Luther Burbank Experiment Farm

Home to an apple tree that can produce 25 different varieties of fruit.
Duncans Mills, California

Mammoth Rubbing Rocks

Massive prehistoric mammals used these stones as oversized scratching posts.
Healdsburg, California


A huge work of Burning Man-inspired outsider art on the grounds of a California winery.
Point Arena, California

Bowling Ball Beach

The mysterious round rocks of Schooner Gulch.
Old Station, California

Painted Dunes

Sunset-colored dunes of volcanic ash make taking a poor photo impossible.
Redding, California

Sundial Bridge

This ultra-modern California span is actually a titanic solar clock in disguise built by famed architect Santiago Calatrava.
McCloud, California


This lesser known Hearst estate is a fairytale village built from the stolen bones of historic European buildings.
Collinsville, California

Hastings Adobe

This cabin once belonged to one of California's original settlers.
San Francisco, California

The Shipwrecks at Land's End

A 300-ship graveyard, with a few still visible at low tide.
San Francisco, California

Labyrinth at Land’s End

A winding path built in secret on the edge of the continent.
San Francisco, California

The Wreck of the King Philip

This partially buried wreck is one of the most complete of its kind but is only revealed when the sea allows.
San Francisco, California

Last Known Carville House

The sole surviving relic of the San Francisco neighborhood cobbled together from old horsecars and streetcars.
San Francisco, California

Sunnyside Conservatory

Over a century old, this restored Victorian building is surrounded by a lush garden filled with rare palms.
San Francisco, California

Urbano Sundial

A promotional sun clock on the site of San Francisco's great raceway.
San Francisco, California

The Sutro Egyptian Collection

Tenacious mummies survived dental problems, eternal entombment, and more than their fair share of devastating fires.