aland1958's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Canterbury, England
Places visited in Windsor, England
Places visited in Reading, England
Places visited in United Kingdom
Places edited in Argyll and Bute, Scotland
Places visited in England
Places visited in Birmingham, England
Places visited in Zagreb, Croatia
Places visited in Kent, England
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Eastbourne, England

The Lamb Inn

Eat and drink at a pub older than the Magna Carta
London, England

Down Street Underground Station

The secret wartime bunker built on the platforms of an abandoned Tube station.
London, England

Hyman Archive

The world’s largest magazine collection was born from a single shelf in a teen’s bedroom.
London, England

Paddington Real Time Clock

Look up from the busy streets to discover how time is kept!
Oxford, England

C.S. Lewis's Grave

The beloved fantasy novelist is buried near a church containing a whimsical etched glass window full of Narnia favorites.
Headington, England

The Narnia Window

Beside the pew where C.S. Lewis often sat while attending church, a window filled with characters from his beloved stories.
Oxford, England

The Headington Shark

A 26-foot shark sculpture—a statement about bombs—set off a municipal battle royale.
Oxford, England

Bate Collection of Musical Instruments

Over a thousand musical instruments are on display, from bagpipes and harpsichords to drums and the sinuous serpent.
Oxford, England

The Alfred Jewel

One of Oxford's greatest treasures likely belonged to the legendary King Alfred the Great.
Oxford, England

Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology

Used as an example in one of the first dictionary entries for "museum" in 1706.
Oxford, England

The Lantern of Guy Fawkes

The lantern carried by the infamous Guy Fawkes when he was arrested while attempting to blow the houses of Parliament and the King of England to smithereens
Oxford, England

Majapahit Piggy Bank

A rare specimen of the ancient piggy bank of Java resides in one of the unassuming corners of the Ashmolean.
Oxford, England

Oxford Botanic Garden

The fantastic charm of England's oldest botanical garden has made it a place of writerly inspiration for centuries.
Oxford, England

Duke Humfrey's Library at the Old Bodleian Library

One of Europe's oldest libraries.
Oxford, England

The Sheldonian Theatre

A theatre built to house the rowdy Oxford graduation ceremonies became the stage for a debate about God's existence.
Sussex, England

Ouse Valley Viaduct Bridge

The elegant structure of this 19th century railroad bridge creates an illusion of infinity.
West Sussex, England

Wings Museum

This WWII aircraft museum presents its wrecks like taxidermy, complete with recreations of the crash sites.
London, England

'The Wisdom of Solomon' Stone Pyramid

This mysterious pyramid is said to be part of a complex web of occult and Freemason symbols.
London, England

Square the Block

A jumble of concrete on the corner of one of London’s terraced buildings is actually a work of art.
London, England

The Hitchcock Gallery

Several colorful mosaic panels depict the life and creative genius of the Master of Suspense.
London, England

Tomb of Mary Wollstonecraft

Visit the grave of a famous feminist author and the mother of Mary Shelley.
London, England

Baltic Exchange Memorial Glass

These stained-glass windows are all that remains of a building that was the target of one of the biggest explosions in London after World War II.
Birmingham, England

Curzon Street Station

This historic abandoned train station looks like a stop for ghost trains.
Birmingham, England

Aston Hall

This ornate English estates "Prodigy House" still bears the cannonball marks of civil war.