gillianbates's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bristol, England

The Nails

17th-century merchants in Bristol nailed their deals by placing money on these pedestals.
Ridgmont, England

All Saints Church Ruins

This ancient Bedfordshire church was abandoned when the village's population slowly began migrating to new towns.
Nottinghamshire, England

1960s Hyperbolic Paraboloid Gas Station Canopy

One of the earliest large-scale "hyper" roofs in the U.K. is now a derelict roadside attraction.
Devizes, England

Devizes Market Cross

The plaques around this 19th-century structure recall some rather strange tales.
Bingley, England

Milner Field Ruins

A lavish Victorian mansion wound up inheriting a gruesome reputation that would be its demise.
Callander, Scotland

Lady Kentmores Antiques

A weird and wonderful collection of items that pique curiosity and haunt nightmares.
Bournemouth, England

Fisherman's Walk Cliff Lift

The world's shortest funicular ferries beachgoers a whopping 128 feet from clifftop to shore.
Dolgarrog, Wales

Remains of the Dolgarrog Dam Disaster

The worst flood disaster in Welsh history might have been a lot worse if it had not happened on movie night.
Lynford, England

Grime's Graves

A strange and ancient landscape hides the dark, cavernous remains of a 5,000-year-old flint mine.
Seton Mains, Scotland

Seton Collegiate Church

The ruins of a 15th-century church once home to priests who prayed for a single family's salvation.
Allendale Town, England

Neil Cole's Adventures in Science Fiction: Museum of Sci-fi

Aliens and monsters lurk inside this museum dedicated to one man's lifelong adoration of all things sci-fi.
Malmesbury, England

Eilmer's Landing

Where an 11th-century flying monk crash landed after attempting to take to the skies.
Oxford, England

Beaumont Palace Marker

A hidden plaque is the only reminder of the lost palace where two storied English kings were born.
Matlock Bath, England

Matlock Bath

A seaside town with no sea in sight.
Broadstone, England

Alfred Russel Wallace's Grave

The biologist's fossilized headstone was meant to reflect his love of nature. Its, ahem, unusual shape is probably just a coincidence.
Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Catalina Wreck

The rusting remnants of a flying boat lie scattered near the site of its fatal crash.
Musselburgh, Scotland

‘Memory and Reflection’

A shiny sculpture celebrating the mighty mollusk.
Kirkby Lonsdale, England

Devil's Bridge

A beautiful medieval bridge allegedly constructed by the Devil.
Ashbourne, England

Dovedale Stepping Stones

These quintessentially English stepping stones were built for Victorian tourists.
Oxfordshire, England

Godstow Abbey Ruins

These ancient ruins were the final resting place of King Henry II's mistress.
Durham, England

The Lanchester Diploma

The 2,000-year-old pieces of metal are an ancient soldier's military discharge papers.
Somerset, England

Muchelney Abbey

The ruined abbey includes a rare surviving example of a monastic latrine.
Dover, England

Bronze Age Boat

One of the oldest seagoing boats in the world can be found at the Dover Museum.
Bishop Auckland, England

Auckland Castle Deer House

This Georgian Gothic building was created to shelter and feed deer.