gillianbates's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Epworth, England

Sandtoft Trolleybus Museum

The world's largest collection of preserved trolleybuses.
Carmarthenshire, Wales

The Great Welsh Amelia Earhart Controversy

Where, exactly, the great aviator completed her transatlantic flight has caused some trouble in Wales.
Gwynedd, Wales

Pen-y-Gwryd Hotel

This Welsh hotel is the spiritual home of the British 1953 Everest expedition, the first successful ascent of Mount Everest.
Oxford, England

'Alice in Wonderland' Windows

The stoic structure boasts a whimsical set of stained glass art commemorating Lewis Carroll.
Southampton, England

Hythe Pier Railway

The world's oldest operational public pier railway has shuttled seagoing commuters from ship to shore since 1909.
Isles of Scilly, England

Bishop Rock

At high tide, the base of the lighthouse covers practically every inch of the island.
London, England

Epstein's Medical Sculptures

A series of carved figures that scandalized British society.
East Riding of Yorkshire, England

Rudston Monolith

Britain's tallest megalith towers over the cemetery of a quiet English village.
Cambridge, England

Fourwentways Bronze Age Cemetery

A 4,000-year-old burial site hides behind a roadside Burger King.
North Yorkshire, England

Swaledale Corpse Way

A winding medieval path was used by mourners to carry their dead to the nearest church.
Brighton, England

The Daddy Long Legs Seashore Railway

The remnants of a strange stilted building on rails can still be seen at low tide.
Dorset, England

Abbotsbury Swannery

The world's only managed flock of mute swans was established as a factory for monk meat but is now an adorable sanctuary.
Alnwick, England

The Treehouse Restaurant at Alnwick Gardens

This giant wooden treehouse within a sprawling garden has its own eatery.
Dalmally, Scotland

Ben Cruachan

This mountain is one of the largest in Scotland but is better known for its hollow insides.
Dungeness, England

Derek Jarman's Garden

An avant-garde artist is survived by his seaside garden.
Catcliffe, England

Catcliffe Glass Cone

The oldest surviving glass furnace cone in Western Europe.
London, England

Cleopatra's Needle Shrapnel Scars

This ancient Egyptian obelisk still bears the wounds of World War I.
Brighton, England

The Chattri

This memorial to the thousands of Indian dead during WWI was callously used for target practice during WWII.
Chester, England

Chester Imp

A mysterious demonic figure peers down from its perch within the gorgeous Chester Cathedral.
Ottery Saint Mary, England

The Tar Barrels of Ottery St. Mary

Flaming barrels of tar race through these village streets on Bonfire Night, a tradition that dates back centuries.
Aughton, England

Argleton, Lancashire

The town of Argleton has a postal code and appears on maps and even real estate listings, yet it does not exist.
Dale Abbey, England

Hermits Cave at Dale Abbey

Inspired by a dream, a hermit carved out a home in this sandstone bank to live a life of contemplation and prayer.
Staffordshire, England

The Hanbury Crater

The site of one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in history, created when a massive bomb dump accidentally exploded.
Chaldon, England

Ladder of Salvation of the Human Soul

Angels, demons, and tortured souls on a giant wall mural in a little church.