ginakingsley's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Washington, D.C.

Ben's Chili Bowl Mural

A gorgeous mural outside a beloved D.C. restaurant pays homage to famous Black Americans.
Brooklyn, New York

Charles Feltman's Tomb

The inventor of the Coney Island hot dog rests in a grand mausoleum in Brooklyn.
Bakersfield, California

Last Woolworth's Lunch Counter

An antique store houses the last operational diner from the defunct department store chain.
San Francisco, California

Doggie Diner Head

This grinning pup statue is all that's left of what was once a ubiquitous Bay Area diner chain.
Lake George, New York

The Last Howard Johnson's

All that remains of the once-booming chain is a single orange-roofed restaurant.
New York, New York

Marie's Crisis

Those belting out show tunes might not realize this piano bar marks the site where Thomas Paine died in 1809.
Stanley, North Dakota

Whirla-Whip Ice Cream

The pharmacy's retro ice cream mixer is one of the last of its kind.
Praia A Mare, Italy

Dino Island

The abandoned ruins of a failed resort hide on this verdant, picture-perfect island.
Sa Khu, Thailand

Abandoned King View Resort

A forsaken beachfront condo abandoned after the Boxing Day Tsunami.
Ternate, Philippines

Abandoned Puerto Azul

The once-grand remains of this resort are slowly turning into the strange ruins of the future.
Kobe, Japan

Maya Hotel

An abandoned Art Deco hotel nestled on the side of a wooded mountain.
Dundee, Scotland

Lemmings Statue

A bronze tribute to the wildly popular video game from the '90s.
Tokyo, Japan

8bit Cafe

Transport yourself to the 1980s era of video games at this themed restaurant and bar.
Tokyo, Japan

Mistral Bleu Train Bar

A cool dive bar, off the beaten track.
Seattle, Washington

Orient Express Restaurant

This Seattle joint serves food inside an old train car once used by FDR.
New York, New York

Norwegian Seamen's Church

Come for the waffles, stay for more waffles.
New York, New York

Cafe at the Swedish Church of New York

Finally, you don't have to be a pious Swedish seaman to relax like one.
New York, New York

Keith Haring's 'Once Upon a Time' Bathroom Mural

A masterpiece of LGBT art has been restored in what may now be the most valuable restroom in America.
New York, New York

The Secret Entrance to the Knickerbocker Hotel

An unassuming secret door once led to a legendary watering hole.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Musical Legends Park

A small park on Bourbon Street features life-size bronze statues of New Orleans musicians.
Cape Charles, Virginia

Kiptopeke's Concrete Fleet

Nine of the very few concrete ships ever made in the U.S. are beautifully decaying off a Virginia pier.