Gogmagog's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Strasbourg, France

Château Musée Vodou

This fascinating museum in an old water tower holds the world's largest collection of Vodou artifacts from western and central Africa.


The bright red stripes streaking across the rocks are the star feature at this Icelandic waterfall.
Hólmavík, Iceland

The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft

Staves, storm-calling, and of course, necropants.
Skagaströnd, Iceland

Museum of Prophecies

This museum dedicated to divination also honors a local 10th-century prophetess.
Eiriksstadhir, Iceland

Stuðlagil Canyon

This canyon is comprised of gorgeous waters and magnificent basalt columns.
Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Glenwood Hot Springs Pool

Take a dip in the world's largest mineral hot springs pool.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Vancouver Maritime Museum

Step aboard the first ship to circumnavigate North America.
Natchez, Mississippi

Under-the-Hill Saloon

A 200-year-old bar is all that remains of one Mississippi River town's rough-and-tumble past.
Kobe, Japan

Kobe Luminarie

An astounding annual light display honors the victims of one of Japan's most devastating earthquakes.
Reading, Pennsylvania

Witch's Hat Pavilion

This semi-spooky remnant of an abandoned hotel provides fantastic views.
Cheongsong, South Korea

Jusanji Pond

Trees emerge from the surface of this small man-made reservoir.
West Glacier, Montana

Ptarmigan Tunnel

This angular Dwarven tunnel cuts through a mountainside in Glacier National Park.
West Glacier, Montana

Going-to-the-Sun Road

The only road through the heart of Glacier National Park.
Columbia Falls, Montana

Montana Vortex and House of Mystery

A classic mystery spot complete with spots that are said to make you shrink or grow when you stand on them.
Nébias, France

Labyrinthe Vert de Nebias

Green labyrinth formed by a karstic maze hidden in a preserved oak forest.
Montségur, France

Château de Montségur

This French castle is said to have once held the Holy Grail but is now a gorgeous mountaintop ruin.
Lake Powell, Utah

Cathedral in the Desert

The damming of the Colorado River buried an iconic geologic formation before record-breaking drought brought it back.
Gordola, Switzerland

Verzasca Dam

If James Bond bungee-jumped off the side of a 720-foot dam, would you do it too?


A little-visited waterfall in an otherworldly landscape.
Boscastle, England

The Museum of Witchcraft & Magic

The world's largest collection of witchcraft regalia.
Red Lodge, Montana

Remnants of the Smith Mine Disaster

Derelict buildings are all that remain of a complex at the site of one of the worst mining disasters in Montana history.
Scottsdale, Arizona

The Stand

An open-air, roadside eatery celebrating a historic indigenous cuisine of complicated significance.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Jim Thorpe Museum

This small museum inside a larger sports complex honors the first Native American to win an Olympic gold medal for the U.S., and his life of achievement and struggle.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

American Banjo Museum

Very likely the only museum in the world that celebrates the glory of the humble banjo.