jackeccleston's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Cheshire East, England
Places added to Cumbria, England
Places edited in Todmorden, England
Places visited in Todmorden, England
Places visited in Stockport, England
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Glasgow, Scotland

Temple Gasometers

These rusting, skeletal structures are monolithic monuments to Glasgow's industrial past
Glasgow, Scotland

Doulton Fountain

The largest terracotta fountain in the world, built to commemorate Britain’s Victorian achievements.
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow's "Stone of Destiny"

Some believe that the stone once used to coronate Scottish kings resides inside this bar.
Glasgow, Scotland

'Lobey Dosser'

This two-legged horse statue celebrates a beloved cartoonist and his quirky characters.
Santana, Portugal

Casas Típicas de Santana

These small, triangular, colorful houses are a staple of Madeira Island.
Funchal, Portugal

CR7 Museum

A shrine-like museum entirely dedicated to soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo.
Funchal, Portugal

Principality of Pontinha

A micronation on an islet along the coast of a Portuguese island.
Monte, Portugal

Toboggan Ride from Monte to Funchal

Men in rubber-soled boots serve as your "brakes" on this toboggan ride Hemingway described as "exhilarating."
Funchal, Portugal

'Plastic Mero'

Crafted from ocean litter, this sculpture highlights the ills of overconsumption.
Staffordshire, England

Doxey Pool

This tiny little pool is said to be home to a malicious mermaid named Jenny Greenteeth.
Leek, England

The Queen's Chair

This stone throne invites adventurers to observe breathtaking views of the Peak District.
Oxford, England

The Story Museum

An Oxford museum where visitors can have tea with the Mad Hatter and climb through the wardrobe to a fantasy land.
Washington, D.C.

NASA Full Scale Wind Tunnel Propeller

While most wind tunnels test scale models, the "Cave of Winds" was large enough for actual airplanes.
Washington, D.C.

Washington Monument Marble Stripe

Look closely and you’ll notice that the color changes a third of the way up the tower.
Leeds, England

Equus Altus

The name of this suspended sculpture is Latin for "high horse," which is exactly what it is.
York, England

The Roman Bath

The remains of an ancient bathhouse sit inside this aptly-named pub.
York, England

Baile Hill

The little-known second castle that William the Conqueror built in York.
York, England


One of the shortest streets in York has an especially odd name.
York, England

Dick Turpin's Tombstone

The final resting place of England's most notorious bandit.
York, England

'Constantine the Great'

This sculpture marks the spot where one of the greatest Roman rulers was proclaimed emperor.
York, England

Cat Statues of York

A century-old tradition has culminated in a small but singular collection of feline effigies.
York, England

'Printer's Devil'

A Reformation-era fiery figurehead once denoted this location as a print shop.
York, England

The Snickelways of York

This network of narrow, medieval passages has the most delightful name.
York, England

The York Ghost Merchants

Makers and sellers of the original and finest York Ghosts.