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Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois, France

Cimetière de Liers

Huge Russian Orthodox cemetery in danger of being converted into open public space.
Chambourcy, France

The Désert de Retz

Shattered columns and Egyptian pyramids outside of Paris.
Fontenay-en-Parisis, France

Goussainville-Vieux Pays

The post-apocalyptic remnants of a bucolic town ruined by a plane crash.
Louveciennes, France

The Standing Stones House

One of the last realized projects of an influential, self-taught, French Modernist architect Jacques Couëlle.
Versailles, France

The Osmothèque

Perfume museum and library.
Le Raincy, France

Notre Dame du Raincy

1920's reinforced concrete church by architect Auguste Perret changes the face of modern design.
Nogent-sur-Marne, France

Ruins of Le Jardin d'Agronomie Tropicale

Ghosts of France's colonial past.
Boulogne-Billancourt, France

Château Edmond de Rothschild

This crumbling, graffiti-covered mansion sits tantalizingly within reach of the proletariat who frequent a public park.
Boulogne-Billancourt, France

Le Corbusier's Studio-Apartment

Experience architect Le Corbusier's modernist design for living in the home he designed for himself.
Asnières-sur-Seine, France

Cemetery of the Dogs

The Cimetière des Chiens et Autres Animaux Domestiques is one of the oldest pet cemeteries in the world.
Paris, France

Petite Ceinture

Abandoned railway line circling the city of Paris.
Paris, France

Passy Cemetery

A short distance from the Eiffel Tower is the final resting place of several of the city’s more well-known and interesting characters.
Paris, France

Lasco Project at Palais de Tokyo

A modern-day Lascaux cave underneath Paris.
Paris, France

Parc Monceau

The ruins of a Duke's bucolic dream, where camels once roamed alongside "Dutch" windmills and faux-Italian vineyards.
Paris, France

Paris Catacombs Golem

A mud statue stands in the dark tunnels, seeming to hold up the weight of the city above.
Paris, France

Jules Lavirotte's 29 Avenue Rapp

A scandalous Art Nouveau collaboration that set Paris all atwitter at the turn of the century.
Paris, France

Le Moulin de la Galette

Montmartre's sole surviving windmill became an iconic landmark for 19th-century painters, artists, and bohemians.
Paris, France

Montmartre Cemetery

A horde of stray cats rule in this secluded Parisian cemetery under a bridge.
Paris, France

Temple de la Sybille (The Temple of Sybille)

This structure atop a craggy cliff in one of the most beautiful parks in Paris boasts an unbeatable view.
Paris, France

Notre Dame du Travail Church

The industrial architecture honors the laborers who brought the Exposition Universelle of 1900 to life.
Paris, France

Cimetière du Calvaire

The oldest and smallest cemetery in Paris is only open to the public twice a year.
Paris, France

Cinémathèque Française

This lesser-known Frank Gehry building houses a treasure trove of cinema history.
Paris, France

Musée de la Vie Romantique

Down a cobblestone alleyway is a museum dedicated to Romanticism, with a secret garden.
Paris, France

Le Louxor Palais du Cinema

Egyptian Revival movie palace abandoned for decades and restored in 2013.