jlb6394's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Marfa, Texas

Marfa Lights

Mysterious glowing orbs float through the desert night.
Houston, Texas

National Museum of Funeral History

Fantastic collection celebrating the final send-off.
Waxahachie, Texas

Munster Mansion

A Victorian mansion, painstakingly reproduced to appear just as the the Munster's family home did on TV.
Austin, Texas

Museum of Natural and Artificial Ephemerata

DIY collection of eclectic holdings.
Fredericksburg, Texas

Enchanted Rock

An enormous pink granite batholith, long attributed with spiritual powers by the Tonkawa Indians.
Amarillo, Texas

Cadillac Ranch

A sculpture made of 10 Cadillacs as a monument to the "Golden Age" of the American automobile.
Dripping Springs, Texas

Hamilton Pool

An emerald-green grotto just a short trip from Austin.
Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth Water Gardens

A modernist landscape of water and sci-fi concrete.
Los Angeles, California

The Museum of Death

World's largest collection of serial killer artwork and other macabre exhibits.
Syracuse, New York

Upside-Down Traffic Signal

A reversed traffic signal that was once violently misinterpreted as a statement on British-Irish relations.
Ithaca, New York

Wilder Brain Collection

This collection started by a Cornell professor once held more than 600 human brain specimens, including the one that belonged to its founder.
Ithaca, New York

Blaschka Glass Sea Creatures

These expertly crafted, scientifically accurate glass sea creatures were once an international phenomenon.
Ithaca, New York


This art center is way beyond your average pumpkin-carving operation.
Rochester, New York


A giant steel sculpture with animals in its shadows.
Rochester, New York

Rochester Abandoned Subway

The remains of a failed subway in upstate New York is now an underground graffiti bunker.
Rochester, New York

1872 Monument

A bronze ballot box stands at the spot where Susan B. Anthony voted illegally.
Sodus, New York

Abandoned Girl Scout Camp at Beechwood State Park

A deteriorating 1990s Girl Scout camp in a beautiful lush park on Lake Ontario.
Penn Yan, New York

Largest Pancake Griddle In the World

This oversize piece of novelty cookware once cooked the largest pancake in the world.
Seneca Falls, New York

When Anthony Met Stanton

This statue commemorates the meeting of the most influential minds of the women’s rights movement.