Kaddyshack's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Grapevine, Texas

Grapevine Glockenspiel Clock Tower

A few times a day, you can see an animatronic cowboy shoot-out.
Palm Springs, California

PS Air Bar

Experience the glam side of air travel without leaving the ground at this speakeasy.
Sorano, Italy

Vie Cave

This network of roads is one of the most unique Etruscan creations ever discovered.
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Whitefish Island

Amid rushing rapids, this small bit of land is an important First Nations site on border between Canada and the United States.
Salvador, Brazil

Forte de Santo Antônio da Barra

This 17th-century Portuguese fort now houses a nautical museum.
Lorne, Australia


A tranquil gallery and sculpture garden situated within the classic Australian bush.
Round Mountain, Nevada

Diana's Punch Bowl

Located in the remote Monitor Valley, this travertine bowl contains a scalding pool of water.
Albacete, Spain

Albacete Cutlery Museum

Housed in a stunning Victorian building, this museum has the largest exhibition of knives, blades, penknives, and scissors in Spain.

Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Seiça

The crumbling ruins of an abandoned 12th-century monastery.
Elgin, Scotland

Duffus Castle

Once considered one of the country's finest motte and bailey castles.
Rapid City, South Dakota

McDonald’s Quarter Pounder Monument

Calidum et Deliciose Succosum!
Casa Grande, Arizona

Casa Grande Neon Sign Park

This collection of vintage signs reflects the long and colorful history of this Arizona town.
Clarksburg, Maryland

Kingsley Schoolhouse

A well-worn trail through thick woods in northern Montgomery County leads to an old schoolhouse.
Bentonia, Mississippi

Blue Front Cafe

The oldest active juke joint in the state sustains a niche school of blues guitar.
Sandhead, Scotland

Kirkmadrine Stones

Dating back to the 500s, these stones include some of the oldest Christian memorials in Scotland.
Wilmington, Delaware

Marian Coffin Garden

Enchanting gardens surround a derelict mansion, all hidden in plain sight behind a stone wall.
West Chester, Pennsylvania

Brinton 1704 House

Descendants of this colonial Pennsylvania family still travel from far and wide to visit the 300-year-old home of their Quaker ancestors.
West Chester, Pennsylvania

American Helicopter Museum and Education Center

A converted hangar displays dozens of helicopters, from a famous 1943 rescue chopper to several autogyros.
Malvern, Pennsylvania

Duffy's Cut

Pennsylvanian mass grave and possibly mass murder.
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania

Washington Memorial Chapel

An eccentric priest's tribute to George Washington, this chapel tells the story of the American Revolution.
Oaks, Pennsylvania

World's Largest Slinky

Once on display alongside a giant Gumby, it’s as tall as a nine-story building when fully extended.
Phoenixville, Pennsylvania

Colonial Theatre

This historic old movie house was the scene of one of the Blob's most iconic attacks.
Landenberg, Pennsylvania

Mason-Dixon Line Marker “Mile 1”

The first marker along the famous boundary.
Landenberg, Pennsylvania

Delaware-Maryland-Pennsylvania Tri-State Point

The meeting of the northwestern corner of Delaware, the northeastern corner of Maryland, and the southern edge of Pennsylvania.