LeenaIB's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Olomouc, Czechia

The VKOL Red Church

Instead of sermons, this church became home to millions of books.
Newchapel, Wales

Cilwendeg Shell House Hermitage

This magical grotto is adorned with a complex pattern of native seashells, minerals, and fragments of colored glass.
Edinburgh, Scotland

St. Triduana's Chapel

This unusual 15th-century house of worship once catered to those who sought its healing properties.
Vienna, Austria

Vienna Beethoven Museum

A museum capturing one of the world's most famous classical composer's battle with hearing loss.
Kamakura, Japan

Hansobo Shrine

A mountaintop shrine-temple guarded by a horde of half-demon priests.
Andorra la Vella, Andorra

La Margineda Bridge

You can still walk across this beautiful medieval bridge in Andorra.
Farnham, England

Mother Ludlam's Cave

This place is the subject of local legends about a good witch and a Celtic God.
Salisbury, England

High Street Gate

This gate served as a small lock-up jail in the 14th century.
Aarhus, Denmark

Cirkuskroen (The Circus Pub)

This legendary dive bar boasts a collection of over 1,300 clown figurines.
Seville, Spain

Bar Garlochí

Drink the 'Blood of Christ' in this Roman Catholic fever dream.
Steinsel, Luxembourg

Schetzel Grotto

The cave of a 12th-century hermit is still visited and venerated today.
Macclesfield, England

108 Steps

Local legend holds that if you can make it up this steep cobblestone stairway without taking a breath, you'll have wish come true.
Meritxell, Andorra

Basílica Santuari de Nostra Senyora de Meritxell

A beautiful modern church dedicated to the teleporting patron saint of Andorra.
Annapolis, Maryland

Jeannette Monument

A memorial to an ill-fated Arctic expedition pursued by the U.S. Navy.
London, England

'The Wisdom of Solomon' Stone Pyramid

This mysterious pyramid is said to be part of a complex web of occult and Freemason symbols.
Pavia, Italy

The Views of Pavia

These 500-year-old frescoes depict the city in its glory days.
Bramley, England

The Church of St. James' Wall Paintings

The walls of this village church are decorated by two unique religious works of art.
Farnham, England

Victoria Garden

A former Victorian swimming pool is now a tranquil and secluded park.
Petronell-Carnuntum, Austria

Römerstadt Carnuntum (Roman City Carnuntum)

A rebuilt Roman city that was once the largest Roman settlement in the region.
Haarlem, Netherlands

Draaiorgel Museum

At this barrel organ museum, history and live concert keep Dutch street organ culture alive.
Schaffhausen, Switzerland

Haus zum Goldenen Ochsen (House of the Golden Ox) Oriel

Explore the five senses depicted on this protruding Gothic window.
Radebeul, Germany


A museum dedicated to telling lies in service of the truth.
Nottingham, England

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem

The oldest inn in England served brew to the crusaders.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

In't Aepjen

This historic Amsterdam bar used to accept sailor's monkeys as payment.