luna624's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Alnwick, England

Alnwick Castle

This iconic 1,000-year-old medieval castle is a favorite of the film industry, most notably as the location for Hogwarts in Harry Potter.
Gateshead, England

The Angel of the North

Huge winged monument in the United Kingdom.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Greyfriars Bobby

The most loyal of little dogs, or a Victorian era publicity stunt?
Edinburgh, Scotland

David Hume's Statue

Touching this 18th-century Scottish philosopher’s toe allegedly conjures good fortune.
Glasgow, Scotland

Duke of Wellington Statue

This stately monument has been wearing a traffic cone hat for decades much to the delight of the locals.
County Antrim, Northern Ireland

Giant's Causeway

Northern Ireland's Brobdingnagian stepping stones.
County Derry, Northern Ireland

The Free Derry Corner Murals

These murals stand as reminders to the troubled history of this Northern Ireland city.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Belfast Peace Lines

These barriers stand as stark reminders of Northern Ireland's troubled past.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Albert Memorial Clock

This massive monument has been telling the time for 150 years—at a slight angle.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

'The Salmon of Knowledge'

A giant sculpture of the legendary "Salmon of Knowledge" celebrates the return of fish to Belfast's River Lagan.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Launch Site of the Titanic

A museum marks and documents the site of the Titanic's launch.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

SS Nomadic

The ship built to ferry passengers and goods to the doomed Titanic is now the last remaining White Star Line vessel.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Samson and Goliath

These engineering masterpieces are a dominant feature of the Belfast skyline.
Kerry, Ireland

Charlie Chaplin's Vacation Statue

An Irish town has built a statue to a silent film actor simply thanks to the holidays he once spent there.
Kerry, Ireland

King Puck

A proud bronze billy stands as an eternal symbol of Ireland's oldest festival, where a goat is made king.
Rosemarkie, Scotland

The Fairy Glen - Rosemarkie

This lovely Scottish nature walk leads to the source of a local legend.
Dublin, Ireland

Kingship and Sacrifice

This permanent collection of preserved bodies taken from Irish bogs is one of the leading authorities on such morbid mummies.
Dublin, Ireland

Ancient Bog Butter

The block of aged dairy is probably still edible after 2,300 years in a peat bog.
Dublin, Ireland

The Long Room Library at Trinity College

The gorgeous library at Trinity College is home to remarkable treasures of Irish identity.
Dublin, Ireland

Oddities of Christ Church Cathedral

The mummified heart of a saint lives on in this church—after a brief hiatus when it was stolen.
Dublin, Ireland

Glasnevin Cemetery and Museum

This is the largest cemetery in Ireland and the first cemetery museum in the world.
Bath, England

Pulteney Weir

This picturesque horseshoe weir was first built in the 1600s to prevent flooding in the town of Bath.
Cardiff, Wales

Roman Walls of Cardiff Castle

The castle still holds traces of the abandoned Roman fort it was built atop.
Cardiff, Wales

Animal Wall at Cardiff Castle

Recently restored menagerie of Victorian-era beasts.