marks6's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New Orleans, Louisiana

Jean Lafitte's Old Absinthe House

A 200-year-old bar in the historic French Quarter refuses to give up its place in history, nor its role in securing ours.
Imsil-gun, South Korea

Imsil Cheese Theme Park

A 32-acre fun park dedicated to all things cheese.
Bogotá, Colombia

The Chicherias of Bogota's La Candelaria Barrio

This narrow street is packed with street vendors and bars selling chicha.
St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands

Lime Out

Dine on ceviche tacos in the sea at this floating restaurant only accessible by boat.
Cizhong, China

Cizhong Village

This Tibetan and Naxi village's Honey Rose wine bears the mark of 19th-century French missionaries.
Newport Beach, California

The Frozen Banana Stands of Balboa Island

Try the frozen treat that inspired Arrested Development's famous banana stand.
Cricova, Moldova

Wine Cellars of Cricova

Seventy-five miles of limestone caves host more than a million bottles of wine beneath a sleepy Moldovan town.
Chicago, Illinois

Calumet Fisheries

One of Chicago's last seafood smokehouses perfects a dying breed of fishcraft.
Robbinsville, New Jersey

Papa's Tomato Pies

Family-run for more than a century, this pizzeria makes a unique mustard pie.
Madrid, Spain

Secret Nun Cookies at Monasterio del Corpus Christi

Order cookies baked by cloistered nuns in a 400-year-old monastery.
Bloomfield, New Jersey

Holsten's Brookdale Confectionery

This old-fashioned candy shop, ice cream parlor, and diner served as the setting for one of TV's most controversial series finales.
Boston, Massachusetts

Empire Garden Restaurant

Dim sum, served in a grand old theater.
Kyoto, Japan

Kameya Kiyonaga

This 400-year-old sweet shop serves a delicacy some have described as "edible incense."
Tokyo, Japan

Silk Road Tarim Uyghur Restaurant

Sample specialties from Xinjiang at this Shinjuku neighborhood gem.
Oakland, California

Mazzariello Labyrinth

Spiral labyrinth hidden in the hills above Oakland, CA.
Alnwick, England

The Treehouse Restaurant at Alnwick Gardens

This giant wooden treehouse within a sprawling garden has its own eatery.
Jersey City, New Jersey

White Mana Diner

This unassuming retro burger joint was billed as “diner of the future” at the 1939 World's Fair.
Houston, Texas

The Hobbit Café

A taste of Middle Earth, in the middle of the Bayou City.
Queens, New York

Rokhat Kosher Bakery

Serving Central Asian breads that range from cracker-crisp to warm and fluffy, this bakery brings Bukhara to Queens.
Lake Wales, Florida

Bok Tower Gardens

Possibly the most beautiful carillon in the world, set atop Iron Mountain in Florida.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Bow & Arrow Brewing Co.

Owned by Native American women, this brewery is a celebration of indigenous culture in the American Southwest.
New York, New York

Old City Hall Station

A beautiful and abandoned New York subway station from 1904, complete with chandelier.
Brooklyn, New York

Taste the Tropics USA

In Little Caribbean, an ice-cream shop serves up regional flavors, including soursop, Irish moss, and "greatnut."
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Watecha Bowl

Chef Lawrence West serves up Indian tacos, wojapi, and other Lakota dishes at the brick-and-mortar incarnation of his popular food truck.