matthewgoethals's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Washington, D.C.

District of Columbia Center Point

A little marble compass above George Washington's (empty) tomb in the Capitol marks where D.C.'s four quadrants intersect.
Washington, D.C.

Rayburn House Office Building

One critic described it as "middle Mussolini, early Ramses, and late Neiman-Marcus." Another called it an architectural "natural disaster."
Washington, D.C.

Amelia Earhart's Lockheed Vega

The "lovely red Vega" of the legendary record-settling pilot.
Washington, D.C.

International Spy Museum

Home to items never before seen by the public.
Washington, D.C.

Georgetown Waterfront

The little-known, 300-year history of the area includes former lives as a bustling tobacco port, parking lot, and industrial dump.
Arlington, Virginia

Rosslyn Metro Escalator

At 207 feet, one of the world's longest continuous escalators.
Washington, D.C.

Washington Monument Marble Stripe

Look closely and you’ll notice that the color changes a third of the way up the tower.
Washington, D.C.

Albert Einstein Bronze Statue

The beloved statue at the National Academy of Sciences is oh so inviting to sit on.
Naples, Italy

Via dei Presepi

Every day is like Christmas on this street where the traditional Neapolitan nativity scene comes to life.
Baker, California

World's Largest Thermometer

This giant temperature attraction created some giant electric bills.
Kyoto, Japan

Nishiki Market

This 700-year-old street food market features baby octopus and soy donuts.
San Francisco, California

The Parrots of Telegraph Hill

Staircase winds down the side of Telegraph Hill through gardens, wild parrots flying overhead.
San Francisco, California

Hang Ah Tea Room

The oldest dim sum restaurant in the United States is a nostalgic jewel.
San Francisco, California

The Tonga Room

Tiki luxury on Nob Hill.
Los Angeles, California

Mt. Hollywood Tunnel

This nondescript tunnel has been featured in a number of iconic movies, from “Roger Rabbit” to “Back to the Future.”
Los Angeles, California

Griffith Observatory's Tesla Coil

High on a hill overlooking Los Angeles lives a world famous, high power conical Tesla Coil.
Los Angeles, California

Griffith J. Griffith Statue

Although he donated over 3,000 acres to Los Angles, Griffith's life was marred by controversy.
Los Angeles, California

The Last Bookstore

This iconic L.A. bookshop is housed in an abandoned bank—both symbolic and chic.
San Diego, California

Unconditional Surrender

A sculpture of the famous photograph stands on San Diego's "Greatest Generation Walk."
San Diego, California

Harbor Drive Pedestrian Bridge

This futuristic bridge is one of the longest self-anchored pedestrian bridges in the world.
San Diego, California

Hotel del Coronado

L. Frank Baum wrote part of the "Wizard of Oz" series in this wooden Victorian beach resort.

Madingley American Cemetery

Vast fan-shaped British cemetery honouring American servicemen lost in World War II.
Cambridge, England


One of several Lilliputian portals that are ready to transport passengers to other dimensions, if they can find them.
Friday Harbor, Washington

Afterglow Vista

This family mausoleum is steeped in symbolism and looks more like a fantasy location than a grave.