mmcgui12's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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The Unfinished Church

Storms, funding, and in-fighting have kept this Bermuda church from ever being completed.
Charlestown, Indiana

Rose Island

Ruined pieces of stone and a swimming pool are all that remain of an amusement park swept away by a flood.
Lincolnshire, England

RAF Stenigot

A quartet of rusting satellite goliaths are all that remain of a communication network that protected Britain from German and Russian air strikes.
St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana

Fort Proctor

This abandoned Civil War fortress is slowly being swallowed by the waters of Lake Borgne.
São Miguel, Portugal

Hotel Monte Palace

This abandoned five-star hotel is now a five-star urban exploration destination.
Detroit, Michigan

Southwestern High School

This empty Detroit high school was too expensive to maintain or destroy.
Zwentendorf, Austria

Zwentendorf Nuclear Power Plant

Austria's very first and only nuclear power station was completed but never used.
Phillipsville, California

Hobbiton, USA

A crumbling wizard is one of the final reminders of a roadside Middle Earth.
Manchester, England

Victoria Arches

Hidden on the urban banks of a Manchester river are a series of abandoned waterside industrial sites.
Egkomi, Cyprus

Nicosia International Airport

This former Cyprus flight hub is now a crumbling, abandoned ghost complex.
Hamburg, Germany

St. Nicholas' Church

Once the tallest building in the world, this abandoned church is now a monument to the destruction of WWII.
Mosman, Australia

Georges Head Battery

The yawning remains of a complex naval fortress still haunt this Australian shore.
Itaguaí, Brazil

Cidade Albanoel

An abandoned Santa park is as far as this proposed theme park kingdom got toward completion.
Key Biscayne, Florida

Miami Marine Stadium

An abandoned water sports stadium that has become a haven for graffiti and decay.
Skagen, Denmark

The Sand-Covered Church

Tiring of digging out the door to this church for every service, it was eventually abandoned to the sands.
Brooklyn, New York

Staten Island's Lost Subway Tunnel

An abandoned subway tunnel that could have reinvigorated Staten Island still lies somewhere beneath this Brooklyn park.
Medfield, Massachusetts

Medfield State Hospital

Unlike other abandoned asylums this empty institution welcomes visitors, just don't go in the buildings.
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Workhouse

This abandoned prison castle has become an imposing gallery of graffiti art.
East Cleveland, Ohio

Warner and Swasey Observatory

This lovely university observatory continues to sit abandoned since its potential savior was sent to jail for fraud.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Odd Fellows Rest

This historic New Orleans cemetery is the final resting place of members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Queens, New York

Neponsit Health Care Center

This Queens hospital has stood abandoned for almost 20 years after its patients were secretly relocated in the dead of night.
Beacon, New York

Zelda Fitzgerald's Abandoned Sanatorium

The abandoned husk of a mental institution that failed to save a Jazz Age icon still sits nearly unchanged.
Brooklyn, New York

Gowanus Batcave

Abandoned power station once home to a squatter community, now being developed into an arts center.
Willemstad, Curaçao

The Abandoned Pietermaai Mansions

The mouldering manses of wealthy colonials still pock the streets of a Curaçao neighborhood.