ObsidianBone's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Washington, D.C.

Church of Two Worlds

A Spiritualist house of worship where believers communicate with the dead in the spirit world.
Washington, D.C.

Titanic Memorial

This lonely waterfront memorial to the men of the Titanic was erected by the "Women of America."
Washington, D.C.

Carousel on the National Mall

Washington's iconic carousel has a nice piece of Civil Rights history.
Washington, D.C.

Owney the Postal Dog

A traveling postal dog covered 48 states and more than 140,000 miles, and he lives on as taxidermy, patched up with a rabbit's foot and a pig's ear.
Washington, D.C.

Smithsonian Sushi Collection

Seemingly unremarkable items like empty sushi trays, chef hats, and freshness stickers are being preserved so future generations can look back on this beloved cultural import.
Washington, D.C.

Culture House

A historic neighborhood church is reborn as a psychedelic arts collective.
Holbrook, Arizona

Hidden Cove Petroglyph Park

Petroglyphs, bird watching, and a 100-year-old Ranch in one location.
Golden Valley, Arizona

Santa Claus, Arizona

A Saint Nicholas-themed ghost town in the Mojave desert.
Picacho, Arizona

Battle of Picacho Pass Monument

A stone pillar marking the location of the westernmost battle of the American Civil War only honors one side of the conflict.
Parker, Arizona

Parker Dam

This huge dam across the Colorado River caused an armed standoff between two U.S. states.
Yucca, Arizona

Area 66

This golf ball–shaped former desert real estate office now houses a UFO museum.
Benson, Arizona

The Thing

What is the Thing?
Winslow, Arizona

Meteor Crater

This 4,000-foot-diameter hole is touted as "the most well known, best preserved meteorite crater on Earth."
Phoenix, Arizona

Mystery Castle

A self-built castle made by a mysterious man.
New York, New York

Radio City Music Hall's Secret Apartment

Built as a gift to the hottest tastemaker of the time, these hidden quarters remain an Art Deco showpiece.
New York, New York

Barthman's Sidewalk Clock

A clock set into the concrete outside a Manhattan jeweler has been telling time underfoot for over a century.
Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta Rainbow Crosswalks

A colorful square marks the heart of the city's LGBTQ community.
Atlanta, Georgia

Folk Art Park

A psychedelic tribute to one of Georgia's most unique artistic visionaries, out of place and time in the heart of Atlanta.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Cave of Kelpius

Where America's first doomsday cult awaited the end of the world.
Boston, Massachusetts

Site of the Boston Tax Riot

One of the indelible moments of the American Revolution took place at this location.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Bricks

These whimsical works of art tell the story of the city's past and present.
Boston, Massachusetts

Bunker Hill Monument

This monument on Breed's Hill proves that one of the most famous battles of the Revolutionary War is misnamed.
Eastham, Massachusetts

Captain Edward Penniman House

The Cape Cod house that whaling built.