planetmarz's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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West Glacier, Montana

Ptarmigan Tunnel

This angular Dwarven tunnel cuts through a mountainside in Glacier National Park.
Seattle, Washington


This sculpture forces visitors to confront their relationship with space.
Seattle, Washington

Denny Substation

The Denny Substation has been called "the coolest substation in the world" and sits in a densely populated Seattle neighborhood.
Seattle, Washington

Freeway Park

The first park built over a freeway is a brutalist masterwork.
Seattle, Washington

Hammering Man

This working class sculpture pounds his hammer all the livelong day.
Seattle, Washington

Beacon Food Forest

This edible park is open to any and all foragers.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Chinese Garden

This beautiful landscape is the only Sichuan-style garden outside of China.
Seattle, Washington

Walker Rock Garden

A Boeing mechanic and his wife leave a whimsical, stone sculptured garden as their legacy.
Tacoma, Washington

Bridge of Glass

A beautiful footbridge with over 2,000 glass sculptures along the walls and ceiling.
Tacoma, Washington

Tacoma Narrows Bridge

This famous bridge twisted itself into oblivion, but not for the reason you might think.
Vashon, Washington

Vashon Island Bike Tree

A bike being "eaten" by a tree is the real Vashon legend behind popular children's book, "Red Ranger Came Calling."
Tacoma, Washington

Thornewood Castle

"The House That Love Built" is shying away from "The House That Ghosts Love."
South Bend, Washington

The World’s Largest Oyster

A giant sculpture dedicated to a staple of South Bend food culture.
Shelton, Washington

Vance Creek Viaduct

The second tallest railway trestle bridge in America.
Anacortes, Washington

La Merced Breakwater - Overgrown Ship Hulk

This dilapidated ship carcass covered in trees is a striking sight.
Eastsound, Washington

Howe Art

One artist's yard is full of shining, whirling kinetic sculptures that look like pure steel psychedelia.
Victoria, British Columbia

Hatley Castle

This castle was once considered as an option for the Royal Family's alternate residence, but you may know it better from the 'X-Men' movie.
Victoria, British Columbia

Miniature World

A famous hotel houses an impression collection of mini dioramas and giant doll houses.
Victoria, British Columbia

Moss Lady

Greenery cloaks this serene sculpture inspired by the famous Lost Gardens of Heligan.
Port Townsend, Washington

Port Townsend Bay Kinetic Sculpture Race

Quirky movable sculptures have been racing through the town since 1983.
Sequim, Washington

Troll Haven

A magical sanctuary of mythological statuary.
Old Town, Washington

Dungeness Spit

The longest spit in the United States ends at a lighthouse in the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
Port Angeles, Washington

Port Angeles Underground

Tour the original street level of Port Angeles, buried underground in 1914.
Forks, Washington

Hall of Mosses

Stroll through a wonderland of stupendous moss-covered trees.