Rare's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Nantes, France
Places edited in Vilnius, Lithuania
Places visited in Margate, England
Places edited in Lithuania
Places edited in Montreux, Switzerland
Places visited in Hampshire, England
Places visited in East Sussex, England
Places edited in Hertfordshire, England
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Brighton, England

Madeira Lift

Decrepit Victorian public lift is a white-knuckle ride.
Brighton, England

Brighton Beach Flint Grotto

One fisherman has used his love of pebbles and shore to create a crazy garden of rocky art.
Brighton, England

Brighton's Victorian Sewers

To literally keep their waste out of their own backyards, the citizens of this English city built an impressive sewer system that is still in use today.
Brighton, England

Brighton Waste House

This concept building is the UK's first attempt at making a permanent structure of nothing but trash.
London, England

Beckton Alp

This toxic spoil heap found a second life as a ski slope, popular film location, and wildlife haven.
London, England

Tower Hill Execution Site

A memorial for public executions that dates back to the 14th century.
London, England

'Monument for a Dead Parrot'

The sculpture of the deceased cockatoo flops atop its personal plinth.
London, England

Public Standards of Length

19th-century scientists would make the pilgrimage here to verify the precision of their measuring sticks.
London, England

Queen Caroline's Bath

The plunge pool is a surviving relic of a rowdy royal residence.
London, England

Charlton House

The grounds of this Jacobean estate contain one of the oldest mulberry trees in England.
London, England

Kennel Club Library

The canine-themed book collection claims to be Europe's largest dog library.
London, England

K2 Telephone Boxes

The wooden telephone box hidden away in London's Piccadilly was the original prototype of the iconic kiosk.
London, England

'The Ambassadors'

A mysterious shape catches the eye in this 16th-century painting.
London, England

The Monty Python Foot

The television series' iconic giant foot was borrowed from this classical painting.
London, England

Charing Cross Mural

The medieval woodcut-style artwork chronicles life in medieval London.
London, England

Hyman Archive

The world’s largest magazine collection was born from a single shelf in a teen’s bedroom.
London, England

Museum of Methodism

This religious museum resides in a church crypt next to the founder's house.
Bournemouth, England

Memento Mori Oddities Shop

A genuine Little Shop of Horrors.
Farnborough, England

Farnborough Airship Hangar Frame

The lasting remains of the Balloon Section of the British Armed Forces.
Woking, England

The Sandpit on Horsell Common

This peaceful park saw the beginning of an extraterrestrial invasion in H.G. Wells's 'The War of the Worlds.'
London, England

Shepherdess Walk Mosaics

A display of everyday life in the area that was unveiled during the 2012 Summer Olympics.

Maunsell Army Sea Forts

Surreal riveted sea forts once protected the Kent shores from German attack.
Maidstone, England

Maidstone Mummy

This 2,700-year-old woman is the jewel of the Maidstone Museum's Egyptian collection.
Southend-on-Sea, England

The Cutlass Stone

A story of cutlasses carelessly carving a celibate centenarian's cemetery stone.