rhiannonblues's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Utrecht, Netherlands

DOMunder Subterranean Ruins

Underground attraction offering tours of the foundational ruins of a church nave that collapsed in 1674.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

National Holocaust Monument

The mirrored section takes the shape of Hebrew characters when viewed from above.
Utrecht, Netherlands

Miffy Traffic Light

The cutest way to stay safe in traffic.
Utrecht, Netherlands


A uniquely preserved neo-Gothic church that is now home to a collection of art and woodcarvings.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

De Brandgrens (The Blaze Boundary)

These lights mark the area of Rotterdam that was bombed and burned in 1940.
Leiden, Netherlands


A striking memorial to the Jews of Leiden who were murdered during World War II is scattered throughout the city.
Utrecht, Netherlands

Central Station Bicycle Parking

The world's largest bicycle shelter can hold more than 12,500 two-wheelers.
Dronten, Netherlands


This artificial ring island was built to hold cubic tons of polluted dirt.
Alkmaar, Netherlands

J. Boom

A museum-like shop that has been producing clogs, brushes, and ropes for nearly 200 years.
Arnhem, Netherlands

Eusebius Church

Organisms normally seen under a microscope decorate this church.
Hilversum, Netherlands

Natuurbrug Zanderij Crailoo

The world's longest wildlife overpass provides Hilversum's critters with a safe alternative to trying their luck on the roadway.
Etten-Leur, Netherlands

The Van Gogh Church

Stained-glass windows inspired by Vincent van Gogh's paintings decorate this church in the town where the artist's career began.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam Toy Museum

This collection of 20th-century toys is filled with a lifelong personal toy collection brought from the U.S. to Amsterdam.
Zwiggelte, Netherlands

Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope

A radio telescope for listening to the stars, based in one of the cloudiest countries in the world.
Kampen, Netherlands


This stately council chamber hasn't changed since 1545.
Mildam, Netherlands


Nestled in the woods lies this land art project: a hybrid between park, maze and natural monument.
Sluis, Netherlands


This museum is filled with an eclectic collection of unique inventions.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

'De Bospoldervos'

A massive stone fox oversees a Rotterdam elementary school crosswalk.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Hotel New York

This hotel was once home to a steamliner company and became the final rest stop for Europeans heading to the New World.
Haarlem, Netherlands

Grote Kerk

This towering church is home to a world-famous organ and a treasure trove of medieval art.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Luchtsingel

Built by crowdsourcing, this wooden foot bridge saved a part of Rotterdam that was languishing in wait of city funding.
Leiden, Netherlands

Temple of Taffeh

An ancient Egyptian temple sits within a modern European museum.
Sint Jansklooster, Netherlands

De Wieden National Park Observation Tower

Repurposed space and ultra-modern construction collide to create this geometric wooden spectacle.
Franeker, Netherlands

Eisinga Planetarium

Home to the world's oldest functioning orrery.