shannxn's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Egg Harbor City, New Jersey

Batsto Village

This historic iron-working village is now a ghost town so immaculate that it looks as though it was recently built.
Cape May, New Jersey

Sometimes Train Tracks of Sunset Beach

Several times a year, during low tide, two pairs of historic train tracks are revealed on this New Jersey beach.
Millville, New Jersey

Fries Mill Ruins

The remains of an old sawmill, gristmill and the surrounding industry dating back to the 18th century.
Stamford, Connecticut

Stamford's Miniature Ghost Town

Forgotten under the construction of a new urban roadway is a small, abandoned part of town.
Quincy, Massachusetts

Spectacle Island Sea Glass Beaches

Trash escaped from a landfill to fill beaches with all kinds of treasure.
Dedham, Massachusetts

Fairbanks House

The oldest surviving wood-frame building in North America is still in the family.
Yeadon, Pennsylvania

Unmarked Grave of H.H. Holmes

America's first serial killer rests in anonymity.
Mouth of Wilson, Virginia

Mount Rogers

The highest point in Virginia can only be reached by passing through ponies and flowers.
Marion, Virginia

The Octagon House

An eight-sided home built during a brief octagon craze in the 1850s.
Fayetteville, West Virginia


Hikers can still stroll beneath the long conveyer of this abandoned mining facility hidden in a West Virginia river gorge.
Alderson, West Virginia

Alderson Academy

This abandoned school has had many lives since the early 1900s, and all of them doomed.
Washington, D.C.

The Dupont Underground

Long-abandoned trolley tunnels just a mile away from the White House are turning into an art space.
Queens, New York

Creedmoor Psychiatric Center's Building 25

A long abandoned hospital building on the outskirts of NYC.
Thiells, New York

Letchworth Village

Decades after testing the polio vaccine on unwitting patients, this historic mental hospital sits in ruin.
Wingdale, New York

Harlem Valley Psychiatric Center

An abandoned asylum once on the cutting edge of lobotomies may be reborn as a Christian college.
Ovid, New York

Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane

An abandoned asylum where patients have been forgotten but their possessions remain.
Nueva Gerona, Cuba

Presidio Modelo

A series of five defunct panopticon prisons in Cuba.
Wellsboro, Pennsylvania

Pine Creek Gorge

This lush forest valley was once mined for lumber to the extent that it was once nicknamed "The Pennsylvania Desert."
Sodus, New York

Abandoned Girl Scout Camp at Beechwood State Park

A deteriorating 1990s Girl Scout camp in a beautiful lush park on Lake Ontario.
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania

Wilkes-Barre Abandoned Train Station

A train station that was abandoned by the coal industry and was later converted into a cocktail bar.
Ithaca, New York

Wilder Brain Collection

This collection started by a Cornell professor once held more than 600 human brain specimens, including the one that belonged to its founder.
Rochester, New York

Rochester Abandoned Subway

The remains of a failed subway in upstate New York is now an underground graffiti bunker.
Cleveland, Ohio

Dittrick Medical Museum

Medical history museum featuring a lovely doctor's office from the 1800s.
Willoughby, Ohio

The Girl in Blue

Solving a 60-year mystery finally gave a name to the young woman known only by the color of her clothes.