sharkwave333's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Salt Lake City, Utah

Summum Pyramid

Pyramid home to an obscure religious group that practices modern mummification.
Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Lake City Public Library

Visitors to this library are in for a real-world education in modernist architecture.
Midway, Utah

Homestead Crater

This geothermal hot spring hides beneath a slowly growing mineral dome.
Richfield, Utah

Pando, the Trembling Giant

One of the world's oldest and most massive living organisms is a grove of quaking aspens.
Island Park, Idaho

Yellowstone's Zone of Death

A legal loophole makes it possible to get away with murder within this 50-square-mile section of Yellowstone.
Arco, Idaho

Experimental Breeder Reactor-I

The world's first nuclear power plant is open to visitors looking to role-play a meltdown.
Coolin, Idaho

Lionhead Natural Water Slides

Natural rock water slides hidden in the remote forests of northern Idaho.
Adalar, Turkey

Prinkipo Orphanage

One of the largest wooden constructions in Europe was meant to be a casino, but soon became an orphanage.
Istanbul, Turkey

Asitane Restaurant

This eatery re-creates dishes from the Ottoman Empire so you can dine like a sultan.
Istanbul, Turkey

Baris Manco House and Museum

The home-turned-museum of Barış Manço, the mustachioed Turkish Elvis for children.
Istanbul, Turkey

Minyatür’s Nautical Instruments

Turkish adventurer antiques in the heart of the Grand Bazaar.
Istanbul, Turkey

Piri Reis Map at Topkapi Palace

1513 Turkish world map, full of European state secrets and snarky commentary.
Istanbul, Turkey

The Museum of Innocence

This museum was invented in a novel before being made real by the author.
Istanbul, Turkey

Panorama 1453 Museum

Step back in time and witness the fall of Constantinople.
Istanbul, Turkey

Obelisk of Theodosius

This remarkably well-preserved Egyptian plinth is pretty well traveled for a giant piece of stone.
Istanbul, Turkey

Tombs of the Sultans

Five sultans and their families rest in eternal splendor, teeming with overlooked beauty and drama.
Istanbul, Turkey

Basilica Cisterns of Istanbul

A marvel of Byzantine engineering under the streets of Istanbul.
Moran, Wyoming

Parting of the Waters

Creek water that starts here has a 50/50 chance of ending up in the Atlantic or the Pacific.
Jeffrey City, Wyoming

Jeffrey City Ghost Town

This mining town boomed in the Atomic Age when uranium was gold, only to be abandoned when the industry collapsed.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Lone Star Geyser

This Yellowstone geyser may not shoot as high as the nearby Old Faithful, but it erupts for considerably longer.
Buford, Wyoming

Buford, Wyoming: Population 0

One of the smallest towns in the United States.
Afton, Wyoming

Intermittent Spring

A miraculous natural phenomenon known as "the spring that breathes."
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Isa Lake

The only natural lake in the world that drains into both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

The Crow's Nest at the Old Faithful Inn

An architect's childhood fantasy treehouse made real.