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Turin, Italy

'Baci Rubati' ('Stolen Kisses')

This building has a giant piercing through one of its corners.
Palermo, Italy

'Trionfo della Morte'

This uncanny fresco celebrating the "triumph of death" was split into four pieces to be moved to another museum.
Borgo a Mozzano, Italy

Gothic Line Fortifications

The only substantial part of Nazi Germany's formidable defensive line through Northern Italy that survives today, largely intact.
Rimini, Italy

Italia in Miniatura

Famous landmarks and structures from across Italy fill this miniature park.
Erto e Casso, Italy

Vajont Dam

When a massive landslide hit one of the world's tallest dams it created a tragic environmental disaster.
Lampedusa e Linosa, Italy

Rabbit Islet

Contrary to what its name suggests, you won't find any bunnies here.
Bassano del Grappa, Italy

Ponte degli Alpini

Destroyed numerous times, this centuries-old bridge has always been rebuilt with its original design.
Rieti, Italy

Terminillo's Sword in the Stone

Templar knights fleeing persecution are said to have left this sword in stone as a landmark in 1307.
Genoa, Italy

Palazzo San Giorgio

Once home to one of the oldest banks in the world, this building is also where Marco Polo's famous travelogue was written.
Vitorchiano, Italy

The Moai in Vitorchiano

A lonesome Moai stands in a small Italian town some 9,000 miles away from its Easter Island brethren.
Naples, Italy

San Gennaro Mural

San Gennaro, the patron saint of Naples, greets pedestrians between these narrow city streets.
Collodi, Italy

Tallest Wooden Pinocchio in the World

The towering Pinocchio stands 63 feet tall in the Italian village his creator frequented as a child.
Avezzano, Italy

Tunnels of Claudius

This Roman underground canal was the longest tunnel ever built until the late 19th-century.
San felice del Benaco, Italy

Isola del Garda

A small island in Lake Garda that was used as a burial site, pirate hideout, and a monastery.
Gardone Riviera, Italy

Vittoriale Degli Italiani (Victory Shrine of the Italians)

A military museum, art park, mausoleum, and architectural oddity all on one fascist's estate.
Astura, Italy

Torre Astura

A medieval stronghold rising over the ruins of ancient Roman villas along Rome's southern coast.
Genoa, Italy

Monteverde Angel

The "Mona Lisa" of funerary art.
Modena, Italy

San Cataldo Cemetery

This ultra-modern burial building would have stacked the dead like a giant filing cabinet.
Rasiglia, Italy


This medieval mountain town is also known as the "Village of Streams."
Brallo di Pregola, Italy

Ghost Town of Rovaiolo Vecchio

An abandoned village, frozen in time by the threat of a landslide.
Ravenna, Italy

Mausoleum of Galla Placidia

An incredible mosaic-lined monument said to have held the remains of an ancient Roman empress.
Rimini, Italy

House of the Shells

One Italian taxi driver covered his entire house in small seashells creating a weird bit of architecture that is preserved to this day.
Formia, Italy

Eremo di San Michele Arcangelo (Hermitage of Saint Michael the Archangel)

Hidden in a high mountain cave, this hermitage dates back to the ninth century.
Turin, Italy

Fetta di Polenta

When this funny little building went up in the 19th century, most people thought it would simply fall over.