Braecrest's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Batumi, Georgia
Places edited in Rome, New York
Places visited in Jamestown, Rhode Island
Places visited in Punta Arenas, Chile
Places visited in Antarctica
Places edited in Rabat, Malta
Places edited in Valletta, Malta
Places visited in Arica, Chile
Places edited in Venice, Italy
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Dublin, Ireland

Wolfe Tone Statue

An enigmatic monument to the Irish revolutionary who plotted an uprising against British rule.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Historic Tun Tavern Location

Believed to be the birthplace of the United States Marine Corps.
Denbigh, Wales

Maen Huail

Believed to be an execution site used by King Arthur after he was embarrassed.
Stuttgart, Germany

Cataphract Funerary Monument

A funerary monument for two brothers who served in the Roman cavalry.
Blantyre, Scotland

David Livingstone Statue

The only statue ever crafted by award-winning animator Ray Harryhausen.
Aberdeen, Scotland

Kelly's Cats

A dozen cast iron leopards stand guard along the length of Aberdeen's Union Bridge.
Ferbane, Ireland

Gallen Priory

Once an early Christian burial site, it's believed the location was home to around 200 gravestones.
Glasgow, Scotland

Cheapside Street Fire Memorial

This colorful mosaic remembers one of Britain's most deadly peacetime fires.
Invermoriston, Scotland

St. Columba's Well

It's believed this well was once plagued with evil spirits until St. Columba purified the water.
Inverness, Scotland

Old High Church Kirkyard

The oldest church in Inverness witnessed the brutal executions of many Scottish soldiers.
Glasgow, Scotland

Unmarked Grave of Pierre Emile L'Angelier

The final resting place of a poisoned lover whose death was at the center of one of Glasgow's most sensational murder trials.
San Diego, California

Birthplace of Modern Triathlon

In September 1974, a small group of athletes completed the first modern triathlon event in San Diego's Mission Bay.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Mansfield Traquair Centre

Edinburgh’s version of the Sistine Chapel is this former church, with an interior covered in paintings done by one woman over the course of nearly a decade.
Beauly, Scotland

Wych Elm of Beauly Priory

After 800 years, Europe's oldest elm tree has met its end.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Govan Cat

This small memorial honors a ferocious feline and local hero.
Whaligoe, Scotland

Whaligoe Steps

Cut into a sheer cliff face, these stairs are the only way to reach a secluded Scottish harbor.
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow's "Stone of Destiny"

Some believe that the stone once used to coronate Scottish kings resides inside this bar.
Edinburgh, Scotland

War Poets' Collection

This exhibit showcases the literary work of soldiers who suffered "shell shock" during World War I.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Wave of Translation

A plaque commemorates a Victorian scientist's monumental discovery about waves.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Cannonball House

This cannonball embedded in the side of an Edinburgh house once served a surprisingly pedestrian purpose.
Peebles, Scotland

Peebles Mural Project

A town's history displayed through a massive work of art.
Salem, Massachusetts

Salem Witch Trials Memorial

A simple but powerful tribute to the 20 victims of the 1692 witch trials.
Prestonpans, Scotland

Robert Burns Memorial Shelter

This massive work of art was designed to commemorate Burns Night and the national poet of Scotland.
Andahuaylillas, Peru

Museo Ritos Andinos (Andean Rites Museum)

In this tiny museum, an unusually-shaped skull that some claim as evidence of extraterrestrials.