Smurphinator's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Crestone, Colorado

Crestone Ziggurat

Climb to the top of this spiritual tower, and you'll be rewarded with spectacular views.
Center, Colorado

UFO Watchtower

One woman's UFO-themed campground, complete with self-built energy vortexes, UFO-themed weddings, and magic bushes.
Montrose, Colorado

Black Canyon of the Gunnison

A dangerous narrow-gauge railroad once traced a route through this striking canyon.
Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Doc Holliday's Grave

Even in death, he's still your huckleberry.
Leadville, Colorado

Tabor Opera House

In the 1950s, two women saved this grand theater in the Colorado mountains from demolition.
Leadville, Colorado

Climax, Colorado

At one time this small mining village was the highest town in America but now it sits abandoned while the mine churns on.
Denver, Colorado

Blue Mustang

The Denver airport is guarded by a 32-foot-tall sculpture of a demonic horse.
Estes Park, Colorado

The Stanley Hotel

Paranormal experiences in this hotel's room 217 led Stephen King to write "The Shining."
Denver, Colorado

'Unsinkable' Molly Brown House

One of the greatest heroes of the Titanic tragedy came from humble beginnings to this beautiful home.
Idaho Springs, Colorado

Steve Canyon Statue

This statue of an obscure comic strip hero stands as a tribute to patriotic service and a cautionary tale about embracing fads.
Denver, Colorado

"The Yearling"

A Rocky Mountain city provides a happy ending for a pinto pony and his Brobdingnagian red chair.
Denver, Colorado

Mile-High Steps at the Colorado State Capitol

The spot in the Mile-High City that's exactly 5,280 feet above sea level (at least for now).
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Garden of the Gods

Strange red rock formations that have been attributed to a higher power for hundreds of years.
Denver, Colorado

Buckhorn Exchange

Wall to wall taxidermy at Denver's oldest and most exotic steakhouse.
El Prado, New Mexico


These aggressively sustainable art homes look like something out of 1970's science fiction.
Embudo, New Mexico

Johnnie Meier Classical Gas Museum

One man’s passion for gas stations is on display along the Rio Grande in northern New Mexico.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Camel Rock

A natural formation that resembles a camel resting in the New Mexico desert.
Valentine, Texas

Prada Marfa

A Prada store in the West Texas desert that is never open for business.
Marfa, Texas

Stardust Motel Sign

This old abandoned sign flickers to announce a motel that isn't even there.
Marfa, Texas

Marfa Lights

Mysterious glowing orbs float through the desert night.
Alamogordo, New Mexico

PistachioLand: World's Largest Pistachio

This is one really big nut.
Alamogordo, New Mexico

White Sands National Park

Explore the largest pure gypsum deposit in the world, and go dune sledding while you're at it.
Fort Stockton, Texas

Paisano Pete

The second largest roadrunner in the world stands 11 feet tall in his West Texas town.
Ingram, Texas

Stonehenge II

A recreated Stonehenge stands in a country field, complete with Easter Island moai heads standing as sentries.