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Mildam, Netherlands


Nestled in the woods lies this land art project: a hybrid between park, maze and natural monument.
Leiden, Netherlands

Café De Vergulde Kruik (The Gilded Jar Café)

One of the Leiden's oldest pubs is also the birthplace of the Heineken star.
Leiden, Netherlands

Bibliotheca Thysiana

This public library and its impressive collection of academic books have not changed since the 17th century.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Schaakstukkenmuseum (The Chessmen Museum)

This small museum located under the famous cube houses, is home to some 30,000 chess pieces.
Oudenbosch, Netherlands

Basiliek Oudenbosch

Scale model of St. Peter's Cathedral (Rome) in the middle of a small Dutch town.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Rotterdam's Old City Wall

Inside this metro station is a section of the city's former medieval fortification.
Leiden, Netherlands

Gebouw Leidsch Dagblad Elephant Drainpipe

This historic Dutch newspaper building is covered with media-themed details—and one unrelated oddity.
Schiermonnikoog, Netherlands

Whale Jaw of Schiermonnikoog

An awe-inspiring giant blue whale jaw bone stands in the center of this Dutch island.
Enkhuizen, Netherlands

Bottle-ship Museum

The world's largest collection of ships in bottles.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Paul McCarthy's Santa Claus

Rotterdammers' dirty minds gave this santa a dirty nickname and cursed it to a life of wandering.
Schiphol, Netherlands


This old KLM airplane cut into three parts was transformed into an eclectic airport gift shop.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

West Kruiskade Teapot

A huge teapot illuminates a home for the elderly.
Rotterdam, Netherlands


A nearly 25-foot concrete sculpture of Sylvette, Picasso's muse.
Sluis, Netherlands


This museum is filled with an eclectic collection of unique inventions.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

'De Bospoldervos'

A massive stone fox oversees a Rotterdam elementary school crosswalk.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Hotel New York

This hotel was once home to a steamliner company and became the final rest stop for Europeans heading to the New World.
De Koog, Netherlands

Shipwreck and Beachcombing Museum

The history of sea-faring refuse and disaster is on cramped display in this Netherlands folk museum.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Polaroid

An enormous Polaroid picture adds an artistic flair to Rotterdam.
Rotterdam, Netherlands


This charming pup is meant to celebrate the youth and stubbornness of the city's students.
Leeuwarden, Netherlands

Slauerhoffbrug Flying Drawbridge

This unique bridge physically lifts a piece of the road into the air to let boats pass by.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Rotterdam Historic Harbor

Old ships and machinery fill a historic harbor in the city that's home to Europe's largest port.
Hoek van Holland, Netherlands


This enormous storm barrier is one of the largest moving structures on Earth, with each arm taller than the Washington Monument.
Westerhaar-Vriezenveensewijk, Netherlands


Hop aboard a charming bog train to explore this rare open-air museum of peat.
Leiden, Netherlands

The Wall Poems of Leiden

The works of poetry's biggest names grace the walls of the city of Leiden, all carefully painted by hand.