sliverstarrs's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Francisco, California

The Wave Organ

A huge musical instrument played by the ocean.
Cleveland, Ohio

Frozen Cleveland Lighthouse

An unoccupied lighthouse encased in layers of ice from the waters of Lake Erie.
Cleveland, Ohio

A Christmas Story House and Museum

The home made famous by the 1983 holiday classic is now a perfectly preserved shrine to the movie.
Peninsula, Ohio

Helltown, Ohio

The tragic reality of a town riddled with rumors of haunts, chemical spills, and serial killers.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh's Snoopy Doghouse

Despite being stolen multiple times, this civic electrician's street corner Snoopy won't be stopped.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Kaufmann's Clock

Meet your friends, marry your true love, or tell your enemies to kiss your butt under this historic Pittsburgh timepiece.
White Post, Virginia


Outsider art meets paleontology at this roadside reptile repository.
Winchester, Virginia

Patsy Cline's Childhood Home and Grave

The Grand Ole Opry's big voice came from a small home in rural Virginia where she was eventually buried.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

This museum holds not just a world class collection of firefighting artifacts and gear but even the region's first fire station itself.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Factory Obscura Mix-Tape

An immersive art experience built by local arts collaborative, Factory Obscura, in the building formerly known as The Womb, a psychedelic arts center founded by the frontman of the Flaming Lips.
New York, New York

Gimbel's Bridge

A three-story copper skybridge connects two Manhattan buildings with Art Deco luxury.
Brooklyn, New York

The Remains of Abraham & Straus Department Store

The gilded vestiges of a sterling department store can still be found in a Brooklyn shopping center.
Brooklyn, New York

New York Transit Museum

Ride the subways of yesteryear.
Brooklyn, New York

Gage & Tollner

Brooklyn's most iconic restaurant, resurrected.
Paxton, Nebraska

Ole's Big Game Steakhouse and Lounge

What do a giraffe, an elephant, and reasonably priced steaks have in common? This roadside restaurant filled with exotic taxidermy.
Tappan, New York

German Masonic Home of Tappan

This derelict building used to house infirm Freemasons, their widows, and orphans.
Dunedin, New Zealand

Baldwin Street Houses

One of the world's steepest streets seems to have houses sliding down it.
Daniel Campos, Bolivia

Palacio de Sal

This hotel is located on the edge of the world's largest salt flat and is made out of the only material around.
Giethoorn, Netherlands


This small town in the Netherlands has no roads but instead, miles of canals and over 100 bridges.
Spring Mills, Pennsylvania

Penn's Cave

Sail through this subterranean show cave that is home to a legend that would go on to name nearly everything around it.
Wamba, Spain

Wamba Ossuary

One of the largest ossuaries in Spain is packed from floor to ceiling with bones.
Esbjerg, Denmark

Man Meets The Sea

Four alabaster giants contemplate the tides on the shore of Denmark.
Palma, Spain

Miquel Barceló Installation in the Cathedral of Santa Maria de Palma

A contemporary art installation housed within a Gothic cathedral.
Areni, Armenia

Areni-1 Cave Complex

This series of Armenian caves held the oldest brain, shoe, and winery in the world.