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Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Burn O'Vat

A glacial pothole was once a hideout for a notorious Scottish outlaw.
Glasgow, Scotland

Govan Stones

Early Medieval stones sit on display at the beautiful Govan Old Church in Glasgow.
Glasgow, Scotland

St. Valentine’s Bones

Glasgow’s piece of the patron saint of love.
Glasgow, Scotland

Temple Gasometers

These rusting, skeletal structures are monolithic monuments to Glasgow's industrial past
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow Cathedral's Hebrew Inscriptions

In the depths of Glasgow Cathedral's crypt, one pillar stands out from all others.
Glasgow, Scotland

Cathkin Park Stadium

This former football stadium seems almost abandoned but is still in use by the next generation of Scottish sports stars.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Drying Green

The old tradition of drying laundry on poles in the public green is still guaranteed by Glasgow city law.
Glasgow, Scotland

Scottish Opera Titanic Memorial

Memorial to the Titanic engineers that died working to hold back the sea.
Glasgow, Scotland

Botanic Gardens Railway Station

The abandoned transportation hub hides within the Glasgow attraction it once served.
East Renfrewshire, Scotland

Rouken Glen Park Waterfalls

These semi-natural waterfalls hint at the park's Victorian-era industrial past.
Glasgow, Scotland

Tchai-Ovna House of Tea

Hidden on a cobblestone street in Glasgow, a Czech Cajovna-inspired teahouse serves as a hangout for Bohemians.
Glasgow, Scotland

Duke of Wellington Statue

This stately monument has been wearing a traffic cone hat for decades much to the delight of the locals.
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow City Center Mural Trail

A scattered trail of street art adds a pop of color to the city's stark structures.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Glasgow Necropolis

"Respectful to the dead, safe and sanitary to the living, dedicated to the Genius of Memory..."
Devon, England

Jay's Grave

This grave resides at the crossroad of three parishes.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Folketingssalen Frieze

An "evil painter" included pointed symbols in this artwork to poke fun at members of the Danish Parliament.
Copenhagen, Denmark


A little-known cafe in an old copper bridge tower with 360-degree views of the harbor.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Agnete and the Merman

Beneath Denmark's Højbro bridge, a bronze merman and his seven sons forever mourn for the mother and wife who left them for land.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Throne of Denmark

Opulence and fantasy collide in this royal chair which is supposedly made with unicorn horns.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Grundtvig’s Church

This sublime architectural marvel is a rare example of an expressionist church.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Elephant Gate

Pre-Nazi swastikas adorn the sculpted pachyderms flanking this brewhouse portal.
Copenhagen, Denmark

The Little Mermaid

The de facto symbol of Copenhagen is this bronze fairytale which cannot seem to keep its head for very long.
Laconia, Greece


This wrecked ghost ship has been rusting on a Greek beach since the 1980s.
Kato Kastania, Greece

Kastania Cave

This remarkable cave was discovered after a shepherd watched bees enter and exit through a small fissure.