tv33's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Francisco, California

Maltese Falcon Alleyway

Alleyway plaque commemorating the death of a fictional character in The Maltese Falcon, not far from the author's home.
Sausalito, California

Gates Co-op Houseboat Community

A living time capsule of the 1960s Richardson Bay water-front.
San Francisco, California

Westin St. Francis Hotel

Only hotel where you can legally launder money.
San Francisco, California

Ruth Asawa’s San Francisco Fountain

Created in 1972, the famous sculptor's intricately detailed monument to San Francisco is overflowing with city landmarks.
Detroit, Michigan

Ernie Harwell Park

This public baseball field is a beloved remainder from of one of the most historic stadiums in the country.
Detroit, Michigan

Giant Boxing Arm of Joe Louis

Controversial tribute to the heavyweight champion boxer who grew up in Detroit.
Detroit, Michigan

Grand Army of the Republic Building

Detroit’s downtown castle is one of the oldest structures in the city.
Providence, Rhode Island

Big Blue Bug

Ironically this massive termite is the mascot for a company that is acclaimed for killing his kind.
Celebration, Florida

Mickey Pylon

Electrical pylon in the shape of Disney's beloved mouse.
Hull, Massachusetts

Georges Island

Civil War Fort on an island in the Boston Harbor.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Higgins Armory Museum

Once a private collection, now the only museum of arms and armor in the Western Hemisphere - CLOSED.
Boston, Massachusetts

Faneuil Hall

A former waterfront market is now in the center of town due to some interesting Boston engineering.
Boston, Massachusetts

Fort Independence (Castle Island)

On a former island, this old fortification once used to protect the Boston Area and started Edgar Allan Poe in his military career.
Hull, Massachusetts

The Murder Holes of Fort Warren

Civil War-era Fort designed to withstand invasion and attack, with tricky traps called "murder holes."
Quincy, Massachusetts

Spectacle Island

Solar powered Spectacle Island features all-green facilities.
Boston, Massachusetts

Faneuil Hall Weathervane

An interesting decoration on this historic site, this weathervane comes with as many legends as it does questions.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Worcester State Hospital

A spooky and decrepit mental health facility is slowly being replaced with newer digs.
Webster, Massachusetts

Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg

It's not a typo, now say it five times fast!
Worcester, Massachusetts

Burnside Fountain - Turtle Boy

The Burnside Fountain and its questionable interpretation.
Ware, Massachusetts

Quabbin Reservoir

The largest body of water in Massachusetts annihilated four small towns just to slake Boston's thirst.
Princeton, Massachusetts

Redemption Rock

This massive boulder is inscribed with the story of a sensational hostage negotiation dating back to Colonial times.
Sutton, Massachusetts

Purgatory Chasm

This evocatively named natural crevasse was created by a torrent of water that smashed right through a granite deposit.
Boston, Massachusetts

The First Church of Christ, Scientist

This impressive Boston holy house is the American mecca for Christian scientists.
Petersham, Massachusetts

Town of Dana

All that remains of this Massachusetts town, demolished in the name of progress, is a stone marker.