Twelveshillings's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Compton, England

Watts Cemetery Chapel

This quaint mortuary chapel hides a stunning Celtic Revival and Art Nouveau interior.
Kent, England

Saltwood Castle

This Norman castle has been the scene of assassination plots, religious persecution, and Nazi conspiracies throughout its long history.
Tywyn, Wales

Eglwys Gwyddelod Stone Circle

A modest stone circle in North Wales.
Lincolnshire, England

Kinema in the Woods

This century-old cinema is complete with musical interludes and boasts a rare projection system.
Maltby, England

Roche Abbey Ruins

Legend has it the famous Robin Hood would attend mass at this 12th-century Cistercian abbey in Sherwood Forrest.
Glasgow, Scotland

Mugdock Gunsite

The remains of an anti-aircraft battery from World War II look out over Glasgow.
Deepcar, England

The Dragon of Wantley

A stone wall commemorates the legend of a ferocious dragon who literally got his butt kicked by a knight.
Oxfordshire, England

Godstow Abbey Ruins

These ancient ruins were the final resting place of King Henry II's mistress.
Brighton, England

The Booth Museum of Natural History

The natural history museum displaying the British bird collections and dioramas of Edward Booth, free of charge.
Larne, Northern Ireland

Madman's Window

It is said a heartbroken man visited the gap every day to stare blankly out at the sea.
Beer, England

Beer Quarry Caves

This Roman quarry once held secret masses and smuggler's contraband and is now home to rare species of bats.
Manningtree, England

A House for Essex

This surreal art house looks like a geometric version of a small chapel.
Rothwell, England

Rhubarb Triangle

A stretch of land where the sour-sweet vegetable is cloaked in darkness and grows so fast you can hear it crack, squeak, and pop.
Stanton Lees, England

Nine Ladies Stone Circle

Legend says this little-known stone circle is formed from people petrified as punishment for dancing on the Sabbath.

Operation Tracer Cave

There was a top secret plan during World War II to seal a group of soldiers inside the rock.
Avebury, England

The Red Lion

The only pub in the world surrounded by an ancient stone circle.
Oxford, England

Oxford Castle & Prison

This Norman castle was once the site of a Victorian-era prison, and now exists as a luxury hotel.
Glastonbury, England

Glastonbury Tor

This hill and tower are steeped in legend, from King Arthur to the Holy Grail.
Worcester, England

George Marshall Medical Museum

Quaint, disturbing, and macabre objects are all on display at this intriguing collection of medical instruments from bygone eras.
Whitby, England

Whitby Whale Bone Arch

These 20-foot jaw bones honor a time when the leviathan bones were a sign that whalers survived the hunt.
Northamptonshire, England

Lyveden New Bield

The intended purpose of this unfinished Elizabethan building remains a mystery.
Orkney, Scotland

The Italian Chapel

This tin chapel was built by POW's during World War II and is painted to look like something much more grand.
Suffolk, England

Bures Dragon

A hill carving of the legendary dragon that terrorized the village of Bures in the Middle Ages.
Clevedon, England

Clevedon Pier

Constructed from recycled wrought iron railroad tracks, it's been described as the most beautiful seaside pier in England.