vicwright's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

Square the Block

A jumble of concrete on the corner of one of London’s terraced buildings is actually a work of art.
London, England

'The World Turned Upside Down'

Soon after its unveiling, this giant inverted globe sparked controversy and was vandalized.
Lynford, England

Grime's Graves

A strange and ancient landscape hides the dark, cavernous remains of a 5,000-year-old flint mine.
Royston, England

Royston Cave

Man-made cave with enigmatic carvings, some say made by the Knights Templar themselves.
Oxford, England

The Lantern of Guy Fawkes

The lantern carried by the infamous Guy Fawkes when he was arrested while attempting to blow the houses of Parliament and the King of England to smithereens
Oxford, England

Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology

Used as an example in one of the first dictionary entries for "museum" in 1706.
Oxford, England

'Alice in Wonderland' Windows

The stoic structure boasts a whimsical set of stained glass art commemorating Lewis Carroll.
Oxford, England

Oxford Castle & Prison

This Norman castle was once the site of a Victorian-era prison, and now exists as a luxury hotel.
London, England

Monument to the Great Fire of London

The commemorative stone column conceals a secret laboratory.
London, England

Pudding Lane

The Great Fire of London and the regulation of one-way streets both started in this alley.
London, England

Cleopatra's Needle Shrapnel Scars

This ancient Egyptian obelisk still bears the wounds of World War I.
London, England

Britain’s Oldest Door

At almost 1,000 years old, this is the oldest known door in all of Britain.
Bovington, England

Clouds Hill

This historic home of the author of Lawrence of Arabia, has a history of literary celebrities and monogrammed sleeping bags.
Cerne Abbas, England

The Cerne Abbas Giant

Giant naked man on a hillside.
Dorset, England

Holloways of Dorset

These ancient sunken lanes were naturally tunneled into the soft ground by countless footsteps.
Charmouth, England

Charmouth Beach

Cliffs full of fossils at the portal to England's Jurassic Coast.
Lyme Regis, England

Lyme Regis Museum

A local museum honors the overlooked discoveries of Mary Anning, one of the first professional fossil hunters.
London, England

Aldwych Tube Station

This Underground station has been a popular filming location for decades, even before it closed.
London, England

'The Ambassadors'

A mysterious shape catches the eye in this 16th-century painting.
London, England

London Transport Museum

Its collection includes a broad array of social, geographic, graphic design, and political history.
London, England


A traditional American farmhouse plopped in the middle of a Piccadilly courtyard.
London, England

The Great Bed of Ware

This intricately carved and hilariously huge bed was such a famous symbol both Shakespeare and Byron used it in their writing.
London, England

Victoria and Albert Museum WWII Battle Scars

The pockmarks across the building's facade are remnants of the Blitz.
London, England

Natural History Museum of London

Eighty million natural history specimens call this gargantuan museum home.