vortexzev's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sunspot, New Mexico

Sunspot Solar Observatory

High in the Sacramento Mountains, a facility dedicated to studying the sun.
Alamogordo, New Mexico

New Mexico Museum of Space History

Home of the International Space Hall of Fame.
Alamogordo, New Mexico

White Sands National Park

Explore the largest pure gypsum deposit in the world, and go dune sledding while you're at it.
Las Cruces, New Mexico

Space Murals Museum

The entire history of the U.S. Space Shuttle Program is painted on an enormous roadside water tank.
Las Cruces, New Mexico

World's Largest Chile Pepper Sculpture

This 47-foot chile pepper sculpture welcomes Scoville heat unit obsessed tourists to the Big Chile Inn.
Silver City, New Mexico

Dragonfly Trail Petroglyphs

Hidden in the Chihuahuan Desert resides an amazing collection of petroglyphs.
Willcox, Arizona

Heart of the Rocks Loop

Hike the unusual hoodoos and rock formations that form this little-known natural wonder.
Las Cruces, New Mexico

Prehistoric Trackways National Monument

Wee (and not so wee) footprints that insects and reptiles of the Paleozoic Era left behind.
Tucson, Arizona

309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group

The world's largest military aircraft cemetery.
Tucson, Arizona

Mini Time Machine Museum of Miniatures

Miniature art that tells an enormous story.
Tucson, Arizona

The Shelter Cocktail Lounge

This bomb shelter-themed bar has barely changed since it opened.
Tucson, Arizona

Mission Garden

A living museum of curated gardens honors 4,000 years of agriculture in the Santa Cruz River basin.
Tucson, Arizona

Ignite Sign Art Museum

This collection of neon icons is preserving Arizona's history, one sign at a time.
Tucson, Arizona

Mat Bevel's Museum of Kinetic Art & Surrealistic Pop Science Theater

A Tucson museum and performance space full of found-object movable sculptures.
Tucson, Arizona

San Xavier Co-op Farm

Run by members of the Tohono O'odham Nation, this community farm nurtures traditional desert cultivars.
Green Valley, Arizona

Titan Missile Museum

America's only nuclear missile silo open to the public.
Wrenshall, Minnesota

Free Range Film Barn

This century-old barn is home to a homey, eclectic film festival.
Hinckley, Minnesota

Hinckley Fire Museum

Its collection contains relics from the devastating disaster that set the town ablaze.
Shafer, Minnesota

Franconia Sculpture Park

An amazing collection of sculptures and art.
Darwin, Minnesota

World's Largest Ball of Twine Rolled by One Man

17,400 lbs., 12 feet in diameter, and 29 years in the making.
Titusville, Florida

American Space Museum

The unique collection includes bronze cast handprints of some of America's most famous astronauts.
Orlando, Florida

The Disney Collection

An unassuming corner inside downtown Orlando's library offers a whole new world of the park and its history.
North St Paul, Minnesota

Studio Payne Oddities Shop

Admire the art and then buy a raccoon skull cleaned by flesh-eating beetles.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

St. Paul-Changsha China Friendship Garden

A piece of solitude and tranquility in the heart of East Saint Paul.