W5IPA's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bethel, Maine

Maine Mineral & Gem Museum

A showcase of geologic history is home to one of the largest collection of lunar meteorites on Earth.
Jackson, New Hampshire

Lizzie Bourne Memorial

Near the summit of Mount Washington, a stone monument remembers a life lost to one of the mountain's infamous storms.
Carroll, New Hampshire

Mount Washington Hotel

A beautiful Gilded Age hotel in the White Mountains with surprising diplomatic history.

The Abandoned Royal Navy Commander's House

The abandoned Bermudian home of a British naval leader is surrounded by crumbling sporting fields and the graves of convicts.

Admiralty House Park

In Bermuda, this formal naval residence has become a go-to for cliff-jumpers and hikers.

The Royal Naval Cemetery

The final resting place for Bermuda's British military, including a man who died of sunstroke.

Royal Navy Docks

Once a strategically imperative naval base, portions of this Bermuda dock complex now serve cruise ships.

The Unfinished Church

Storms, funding, and in-fighting have kept this Bermuda church from ever being completed.
North Atlantic Ocean

Sargasso Sea

The only sea in the world that has no land boundary.
Waltham, Massachusetts

Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation

A steampunk wonderland that preserves America's history of industrial innovation.
Boston, Massachusetts

Metropolitan Waterworks Museum

Beautiful steampunk ghosts of early Massachusetts.
Lincoln, Massachusetts

Paul Revere Capture Site

This location holds the truth to what truly happened that faithful night.
Falmouth, Massachusetts

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi’s Grave

Final resting place of a pioneering scurvy researcher.
Sandwich, Massachusetts

Sandwich Boardwalk

Hundreds of personalized inscribed planks make up this historic boardwalk.
Franconia, New Hampshire

Old Man of the Mountain Profiler Plaza

A serene plaza that commemorates one of the Granite State's most iconic figures.
Bangor, Maine

Stephen King's Former House

The eccentric mansion of one of the most popular horror authors of modern times.
Bangor, Maine

The Maine Troop Greeters Museum

Inside the Bangor International Airport is a collection of military challenge coins.
Groton, Massachusetts

Bancroft Castle

On top of Gibbet Hill lie the ruins of a lavish turn-of-the-century estate that never quite came to be.
New Bedford, Massachusetts

Fort Taber Park

Historic seaside park featuring explorable, abandoned military structures.
Edgartown, Massachusetts

'Jaws' Bridge

The filming location of a shark attack in Steven Spielberg's famous shark movie.
Big Bend National Park, Texas

Mariscal Mine

An abandoned mine where dreams of quicksilver trickled away over 75 years ago.
Terlingua, Texas

Terlingua Ghost Town

An abandoned quicksilver mining town surrounded by the Big Bend parks.
Carlsbad, New Mexico

Carlsbad Caverns

The second-largest cave chamber in the world was discovered in 1898 by a 16-year-old and a friend known as "Pothead."
Culberson County, Texas

Guadalupe Peak

The highest point in Texas is capped by a big silver pyramid.