Willie Frank's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Las Vegas, Nevada

Atomic Museum

Stepping away from the glitz of mobsters and casinos to learn about the other history of Vegas.
Sloan, Nevada

Seven Magic Mountains

Brightly colored 30-foot-tall totems light up the desert sky just outside Las Vegas.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Pinball Hall of Fame

This incredible collection of vintage pinball machines can be played at 25 cents a pop.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Flamingo Habitat

An exotic wildlife habitat right off The Strip.
Las Vegas, Nevada

The Neon Museum

The neon signs from Las Vegas' past find their final resting place at this unusual graveyard.
Houghton le Spring, England

Penshaw Monument

The nearly 200-year-old folly has a secret spiral staircase hidden in one of its pillars.
Shetland Islands, Scotland

Broch of Mousa

A remarkably well preserved tower dating all the way back to the Iron Age.
Hastings, Nebraska

The Hastings Museum Kool-Aid Exhibit

The home for all things Kool-Aid offers everything except a chance to actually enjoy the drink.
Corolla, North Carolina

Corolla Wild Horses

One of the best places to see feral Colonial Spanish Mustangs in the United States.
St. Louis, Missouri

Chuck Berry's House

The red brick house where the father of rock 'n' roll wrote some of his classic hits.
London, England

Goodwin's Court

An easily overlooked stretch of ornate window fronts and gaslight lamps that could be right from the pages of Dickens.
Sweetwater, Texas

National WASP WWII Museum

A tribute to the little-known group of women who were the first ever to fly aircraft in the U.S. military.
Bryrup, Denmark

Velling Koller Fairy Tale Gardens

The decaying remains of a 1960s mechanical wonderland that never officially closed.
Grand Junction, Tennessee

National Bird Dog Museum

An homage to the pointers and retrievers that have long been a hunter's best friend.
Memphis, Tennessee

Belz Museum of Asian and Judaic Art

The "Jade Museum" is full of thousands of intricately carved works of art made from various precious stones.
Buffalo, New York

Shark Girl

The absurd creation is a compulsory destination for selfies in Buffalo.
Rose Hill, North Carolina

The World's Largest Operational Frying Pan

The 15-foot-wide, 2-ton pan fries hundreds of chickens once a year.
Reading, Pennsylvania

The Reading Pagoda

A failed piece of Orientalism has become the proud symbol of a community.
Dassel, Minnesota

The Mushroom Building

The fungus-shaped vintage gas station has served multiple purposes over its lifetime, and now serves ice cream.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Sacred Cod

No one messes with the Massachusetts sacred cod, not this time...
Milton, Delaware

Dressed John Milton Statue

A statue of the English poet for whom this Delaware town is named is ritually dressed in seasonally appropriate clothing.
Albany, Indiana

Albany Shoe Tree

One tree's homage to soles past and present.
Blue Earth, Minnesota

Jolly Green Giant Statue

This massive roadside mascot was the first version of the giant to illustrate his butt.
Fort Benton, Montana

Shep Memorial

A small Montana town commemorates the dog who waited at the train station every day for his owner to return.