zis's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Poggioreale, Italy

Ruins of Poggioreale

This entire town moved to a safe location after it was devastated by an earthquake, but the remains of the original town are still around.
Anniston, Alabama

Berman Museum of World History

A strange history museum, with items accumulated by a pair of globe trotting spies.
Delta, Alabama

Cheaha Mountain

The highest point in Alabama was almost completely deforested, but is now home to protected towers and trees.
Anniston, Alabama

The Gigantic Chair of Anniston

What better place to take a seat?
Tuscaloosa, Alabama

The Hodges Meteorite

This space rock fragment is one of the only meteors to have ever struck a human.
Montevallo, Alabama

Tinglewood Carvings

Orr Park's dead trees have been carved into a menagerie of whimsical visages.
London, England

London's Lilliputian Police Station

London's smallest police station is barely the size of a phone booth.
London, England

The Sherlock Holmes Museum

This London pub hides a peculiar secret: a recreation of the rooms shared at 221b Baker Street by Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
London, England

The Mail Rail

Hidden beneath the streets of London is a secret subway that only carried mail.
London, England

Lime Wharf

Residential building on the Regents Canal is a breeding ground for creativity and innovation.
London, England

Seven Noses of Soho

Several plaster noses are hidden in plain sight around London's Soho neighborhood.
Dublin, Ireland

St. Michan's Mummies

An Irish church where an 800-year-old mummy is reaching out of his coffin as if to shake hands.
Dublin, Ireland

The Long Room Library at Trinity College

The gorgeous library at Trinity College is home to remarkable treasures of Irish identity.
Paris, France

Cannonball of the Hotel de Sens

A lone cannonball remains lodged in the walls of the Hotel de Sens as a sober reminder of a revolution.
Paris, France

59 Rivoli

Notorious artist squat renovated into legal studios.
Paris, France

The Gravestone Courtyard

Walk upon the mementos of the dead in this Parisian courtyard paved with medieval tombstones.
Paris, France

Paris Padlocks of Love

The celebrated eyesore created by starry-eyed sweethearts.
Milan, Italy

Fondazione Prada

A space dedicated to contemporary art and culture, co-chaired by fashion icon Miuccia Prada.
Milan, Italy

Bosco Verticale

Two very green residential towers cleaning the air in one of Europe's most polluted cities.
Milan, Italy

Albergo Diurno Venezia

Long-abandoned art nouveau baths beneath Milan's Piazza Oberdan.
Foligno, Italy

Calamita Cosmica

The giant skeleton sculpture is surprisingly well-traveled.
Brussels, Belgium

Commemoration of Peter the Great's Vomit

When you're a great Russian Tsar, even your vomit gets a statue.
Brussels, Belgium

Manneken Pis

A little sculpture with a large wardrobe.
Brussels, Belgium

Zinneke Pis

Meet the bronze beloved pet to a family of famous peeing statues.