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Places visited in Ely, England
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Arkwright Town, England

Arkwright Town

When methane gas started seeping up from the ground, they picked up and moved the entire town.
Whittingham, England

Whittingham Hospital

This hospital once pioneered the use of electroencephalograms, but fell into maltreatment, abuse, and eventual abandonment.
North Yorkshire, England

Red Telephone Box Graveyard

The ghosts of Britain's telecommunication past sit rusting away in a small village in England.
Ponsanooth, England

Kennall Vale Gunpowder Works

A sturdy relic of Britain's once crucial gunpowder industry is now a haunting Cornish ruin.
Wroxall, England

Appuldurcombe House

This shell of a historic manor house on the Isle of Wight is said to be the most haunted site on the island.
Maidstone, England

Kent County Lunatic Asylum (Oakwood Hospital)

This former abandoned hospital, a complex of stunning 19th century buildings, once housed 2,000 psychiatric patients.
Grange-over-Sands, England

Grange Lido

Abandoned for over 20 years, this Art Deco seaside swimming pool is a magnificent waste.
Thurgoland, England

Thurgoland Tunnel

A repurposed railway tunnel with otherworldly acoustic characteristics.
East Somerton, England

The Witch's Leg at St Mary's Church

A witch wreaks ruinous revenge on this ancient church with her "enchanted leg."

Maunsell Army Sea Forts

Surreal riveted sea forts once protected the Kent shores from German attack.
Lincolnshire, England

The Outer Trial Bank

"The Donut" was built as part of an expensive, ill-fated engineering endeavor.
Hertfordshire, England

Ruins of Minsden Chapel

This crumbling 14th century chapel became so unstable the roofing apparently collapsed during a wedding ceremony, narrowly missing the curate's head.
Kelvedon Hatch, England

Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker

The biggest and deepest Cold War bunker open to the public can be found in southeast England.
Fulmodeston, England

The Ruins of St. Mary's Church

In the quiet village of Fulmodestion, the ruins of a medieval church remain hidden among vines and foliage.
Royston, England

Royston Cave

Man-made cave with enigmatic carvings, some say made by the Knights Templar themselves.
Cambridge, England

Mathematical Bridge

Local legend says Isaac Newton built this footbridge without any screws, bolts, or nails.
Norwich, England

Norwich Keyboard

This imprint of an old computer keyboard has a unique backstory.
Great Dunmow, England

Talliston House & Gardens

An English artist has turned an unassuming ex-council house into a time-lost house of mystery.
Southwold, England

Under the Pier Show

A chaotic collection of coin-operated slot machines designed to delight and disturb in equal measure.
Lynford, England

Grime's Graves

A strange and ancient landscape hides the dark, cavernous remains of a 5,000-year-old flint mine.
Capel Saint Andrew, England

Rendlesham Forest UFO Landing

The scene of the United Kingdom's most famous UFO incident, dubbed the "British Roswell."
Mistley, England

Old Knobbley

This ancient oak tree sheltered accused "witches" in the 17th century.