espence13 b1ed1811's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Staten Island, New York

Tugboat Graveyard

Final resting place of two dozen New York City harbor ships.
Staten Island, New York

Historic Richmond Town

A town trapped in time - 1958 to be exact.
Staten Island, New York

Holtermann's Bakery

In the middle of suburban Staten Island, a nearly 150-year-old bakery is preserving the art of a disappearing New York treat.
Staten Island, New York

Remains of Fort Wadsworth

Once America's longest-manned military fort, now an abandoned hulk.
New York, New York

Castle Williams

In its day this historic fort held 100 cannons pointed in almost every direction to protect New York.
New York, New York

Site of New York Slave Market

Where now stands a 42-story condominium tower of marble, glass and steel was once the central market of New York’s slave trade.
New York, New York

President Ulysses S. Grant's Tomb

Visit the monolithic tomb of America's most famous general.
New York, New York

Chinatown's Bloody Angle

Avoid gangster interaction while window-shopping.
New York, New York

Governors Island

Lie in a hammock where George Washington stood.
New York, New York

'The Sphere'

This sculpture by artist Fritz Keonig survived the 9/11 attacks and now stands as a monument to the victims.
New York, New York

Times Square Hum

A pedestrian island in the middle of world-famous Times Square emits a strange (and purposeful) humming noise.
New York, New York

Trinity Churchyard

This cemetery has graves dating back to the 17th century, including the city's oldest carved tombstone and an ominous cryptogram.
Seffner, Florida

Airstream Ranch

An octet of classic chrome trailers speared into the ground act as a tribute to the silver bullets of the open road.
St. Augustine, Florida

St. Augustine Lighthouse and Maritime Museum

One of the oldest, tallest, and most haunted lighthouses in America.
Tampa, Florida

Roland M. Manteiga Statue

A memorial to legendary newsman, publisher, and owner of La Gaceta, the only trilingual newspaper in the U.S.
Key West, Florida

Key West Historic Memorial Sculpture Garden

Recently celebrating its 25th anniversary, the garden opened in September 1997 to celebrate the men and women who have had the greatest impact on Key West.
Key West, Florida

Mel Fisher Maritime Heritage Society and Museum

The museum chronicling a treasure hunter's dream, fulfilled.
Key West, Florida

Truman's Little White House

A historic presidential getaway on the continental United States' southernmost island.
Key West, Florida

U.S. Route 1 Mile 0 Sign

The highway's southernmost spot is a beloved local attraction.
Key West, Florida

Pan Am's First Office

The birthplace of American international flight service has been turned into a celebrity's microbrewery.
Ponce Inlet, Florida

Ponce De Leon Inlet Lighthouse

The third tallest lighthouse in America once guided author Stephen Crane to safety.
St. Augustine, Florida

Treasury Street

St. Augustine's record-setting narrow street was designed to protect against pirates.
St. Augustine, Florida

Castillo de San Marcos

The walls of America's oldest masonry fort famously "swallowed" cannonballs.
St. Augustine, Florida

Fort Matanzas National Monument

An 18th-century Spanish watchtower made entirely of seashell and concrete.