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Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam Oersoep

A Dutch passageway's artistic, aquatic-themed makeover pays tribute to the capital city's famed waterways.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Tiny Hidden Houses on Westerstraat

Seven mini rowhouses fill the gap between 54 and 70 Westerstraat.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


The world's first zoo for microbes collecting the horrible and wonderful things living on and around us.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

De Poezenboot (The Cat Boat)

A floating cat sanctuary on an Amsterdam canal.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Cat art as far as the eye can see.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Nieuwe Spiegelstraat

An Amsterdam street lined with antique shops each one dedicated to a different obscure collection.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Electric Ladyland: The Museum of Fluorescent Art

The world's only museum devoted to the wonders of fluorescence.
Auckland, New Zealand

OnDo Giant Noodle Sculpture

In an Auckland neighborhood, looming chopsticks lift noodles from the sidewalk.
Auckland, New Zealand

Maungawhau (Mount Eden)

The platform atop this verdant volcano was built with the help of a royal elephant.
Ibi, Spain

Ibi Toy Locomotive Sculpture

An enormous roadside attraction in the heart of Spain's toy-making hub.
Alicante, Spain

Calle de Las Setas (The Mushroom Street)

Down this yellow brick road, visitors are treated to toadstool houses and massive mushroom sculptures.
Alicante, Spain

Central Market Building

This magnificent market stands as a poignant symbol of the suffering caused by the Spanish Civil War.
Alicante, Spain

Archaeological Museum of Alicante (MARQ)

Fascinating exhibits of prehistoric and ancient artifacts displayed with a uniquely modern touch.
Alicante, Spain


A well-restored ancient archaeology site gives a real feel for life during the Roman age.
Lisbon, Portugal

Estufa Fria

This once-forgotten oasis in the middle of Lisbon was first created over a century ago quite by accident.
Lisbon, Portugal

Conserveira de Lisboa

The best place in the world to buy tinned fish.
Lisbon, Portugal

Church of Santa Engrácia

Portugal's National Pantheon has a history of curses, collapses and financial problems.
Lisbon, Portugal

Livraria Simão

One of the smallest bookstores on the planet.
Lisbon, Portugal

National Coach Museum

An exquisite collection of fairytale conveyances that puts most car museums to shame.
Lisbon, Portugal

Electricity Museum

Located in the thermoelectric factory that once powered the entire city, this Portuguese museum is shockingly fascinating.
Lisbon, Portugal

Pavilhão Chinês

Ring the bell to enter a bar that looks equal parts museum and old curiosity shop.
Lisbon, Portugal

Caza das Vellas Loreto

This charming candle shop has been in business since 1789.
Lisbon, Portugal

Jerónimos Monastery

Elaborately carved to showcase the glorious wealth that the age of exploration brought to the Portuguese empire.
Lisbon, Portugal

Santa Justa Lift

This Industrial Age architectural and engineering gem helps visitors and residents alike traverse Lisbon, “The City of Seven Hills.”