Bettyhead's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Ashburn, Georgia

Giant Peanut Monument

A massive tribute to this small county's top agricultural product.
Amiens, France

Jean Trogneux

A dad joke was inevitable when a member of this 19th-century chocolatier family married the president of France.
Gila Bend, Arizona

Space Age Lodge and Restaurant

A lingering bit of Space Race nostalgia lies in the middle of the desert.
Basingstoke, England

Wote Street Willy

A sincere and thoughtful art installation, mistaken by many as a statue of a penis.
Bonifacio, France

Escalier du roi d'Aragon (King of Aragon’s Stairs)

A breathtakingly steep set of stairs is carved directly into the face of the sea cliffs of Bonifacio.
Rothsay, Minnesota

World’s Largest Prairie Chicken

The statue honors the booming birds Rothsay, Minnesota, is famous for.
Sumner, Missouri

Maxie, the World's Largest Goose

This 40-foot fowl marks the so-called "wild goose capital of the world."
Oxford, England

Majapahit Piggy Bank

A rare specimen of the ancient piggy bank of Java resides in one of the unassuming corners of the Ashmolean.
London, England

Beigel Bake

Order a salt beef-loaded beigel at any hour of the day or night at this East End institution.
Brunswick, Germany

'Katzenbalgen' ('Cat Brawl')

A purr-fectly spirited bronze celebration of local street felines through history.
Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Rat Hole

The rodent-shaped sidewalk imprint that earned worldwide media attention.
Moapa Valley, Nevada

Moapa Airmail Arrow

A well-preserved example from a 1920s network of airmail navigation arrows sits near Interstate 15 in southern Nevada.
Lawton, Oklahoma

Parallel Forest

A peculiar forest that was handcrafted for government experiments.
Cache, Oklahoma

Holy City of the Wichitas

This little slice of old Jerusalem in Oklahoma is the evolution of a 90 year old passion play.
Las Cruces, New Mexico

World's Largest Chile Pepper Sculpture

This 47-foot chile pepper sculpture welcomes Scoville heat unit obsessed tourists to the Big Chile Inn.
Tønsberg, Norway


This one-of-its-kind shipyard brings the 12th-century Viking Age back to life.
San Francisco, California

'Street Whale'

Part mural and part sculpture, this work of art sits in the middle of the Promenade, as if swimming in a river of asphalt towards the ocean.
Combs, Arkansas

False Crypts of Brashears Cemetery

There are no bodies inside these stone coffins. And there never were.
Sakskobing, Denmark


It might look like just a pile of sticks—because it is. But there's a dark history to how this stack got its start.
Point Pleasant, West Virginia

Mothman Statue

This red-eyed chrome beast pays homage to the popular modern myth of West Virginia's insectoid monster.
Yazoo City, Mississippi

Yazoo City Main Street

A downtown filled with nearly deserted historic buildings was revived as a pastel paradise.
Nairobi, Kenya

Giraffe Centre

Get tall with nature's lankiest beasts and their warthog friends at this Kenyan preserve.
Queens, New York

TWA Flight Center at JFK Airport

This futuristic airport terminal was abandoned for decades before reopening as a hotel—with a vintage plane of its own parked out back.
Genoa, Nevada

Genoa Bar & Saloon

Decor at “Nevada’s Oldest Thirst Parlor” includes Raquel Welch's brassiere hanging from a stuffed moose head.