easternboxturtle's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Alamos, New Mexico

Bandelier National Monument

A small metropolis of Pueblo cave dwellings have been carved right into the hillside of this national monument.
Pecos, New Mexico

Pecos National Historical Park

Despite time, colonization, and the brutal New Mexican heat, these Pueblo ruins still stand.
San Diego, California

Unconditional Surrender

A sculpture of the famous photograph stands on San Diego's "Greatest Generation Walk."
San Diego, California

San Diego Model Railroad Museum

North America's largest accredited model railroad museum.
San Diego, California

Zoro Garden

Swarms of butterflies cannot compare to the awe inspired by the publicly-funded nakedness once displayed in this sunken garden.
San Diego, California

Spreckels Organ Pavilion

The world's largest outdoor organ is played weekly by one of just two civic organists in the U.S.
San Diego, California

Louie Mattar’s Fabulous Car

One man's quest for the ultimate road trip vehicle.
South Pittsburg, Tennessee

Cast Iron Cookware Man

The pan man stands as a testament to the functionality of American cast iron cookware.
Charlottesville, Virginia

Monticello's Vegetable Garden and Fruitery

Thomas Jefferson's estate is home to hundreds of varieties of historic fruits and vegetables.
Phoenix, Arizona

Fry Bread House

Founded by members of the Tohono O’odham Nation, this one-room joint's James Beard–winning fry bread is light as a cloud.
Fairfield, Ohio

Jungle Jim's International Market

An unusual, super-sized grocery adventure awaits in an Ohio suburb.
Urubamba, Peru


Huge stone depressions which may have acted as an Incan agricultural experiment.
Ollantaytambo, Peru

Ollantaytambo Ruins

Preserved Inca city and site of the last Inca stronghold against the Spanish conquistadors.
Maras, Peru

Salt Pans of Maras

This Peruvian canyon is filled with geometric salt pools that have been being harvested since the Incan empire.
Cusco, Peru


A Christian monastery stands on what was once a holy Incan temple.
Cusco, Peru

Plaza de Armas

Built on the remains of one the Incas’ most important gathering spots, this square keeps the spirit of a fallen empire alive.
Lima, Peru

Larco Museum's Erotic Art

The large collection of pre-Columbian pottery might make you blush.
Cusco, Peru

Chinchilla Last Supper

A painting in the historic Cathedral Basilica depicts Jesus and his disciples dining on a traditional Peruvian menu.
Lima, Peru

Huaca Pucllana

This stone complex marks the urban center of a lost civilization.
Lima, Peru


The remains of what was the most important religious complex in coastal Peru for over a millennium.
Lima, Peru

Convento de San Francisco Ossuary

The mortal remains of an estimated 70,000 people lie in the basement of a monastery in Lima, Peru.
Aguas Calientes, Peru

Machu Picchu: The Lost City of The Inca

The intricate stonework of Machu Picchu serves as a testament to Incan engineers.
Falmouth, Jamaica

Glistening Waters

Millions of glowing microscopic organisms light up the waters of this luminous lagoon.
Arecibo, Puerto Rico

Arecibo Observatory

The world's second largest single-dish radio telescope, once used to contact E.T.