cnnrwbr's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles Breakfast Club

Friendships have been forged over ham and eggs every Wednesday morning for nearly a century.

Eureka Dunes

The highest dunes in California are the most likely place in the area to hear the Singing Sands.
Inyo County, California

Scotty's Castle

An abandoned Jazz Age dream home and con man's hideout in Death Valley.
Furnace Creek, California

Harmony Borax Works

This crumbling Death Valley mining complex was known for its use of giant, 20-mule team wagons.
Inyo County, California

Sailing Stones of Racetrack Playa

The rocks in this arid basin leave trails of movement behind them.
Inyo County, California

Teakettle Junction

Travelers leave tea kettles in a remote part of Death Valley as part of a mysterious, decades-old tradition.
Nashtifan, Iran

Nashtifan Windmills

The vertical-axis windmills of ancient Persia have been grinding flour for 1,000 years and counting.
Sajama, Bolivia

Sajama Lines

A mysterious ancient network of thousands of perfectly straight lines stretching across miles of Bolivian desert.
Pasco, Peru

Huayllay Stone Forest

Extraordinary rock formations in open Peruvian fields.
Las Palmas, Peru

Cueva de Las Lechuzas

A jungle cave in Peru of unknown depths, otherworldly sounds, and strange nocturnal birds that navigate by echolocation.
Huallin, Peru

Huascarán National Park

The highest tropical mountain range in the world is in Central Peru, home to a vast array of exotic and quirky plants and animals.
Mariscal Cáceres Province, Peru

Gran Pajaten

These delicate ruins need more tourists to keep them from fading away.
Casma District, Peru

Huayllay National Sanctuary

A remarkable geological formation resembling a forest made of stone.
Cerro de Pasco, Peru

San Pedro Cemetery of Ninacaca

A colorful Peruvian city of the dead.
Provincia de Dos de Mayo, Peru

Huánuco Pampa

This remarkably well-preserved Incan city managed to survive the conquistadores.
Sibiu, Romania

Sibiu's Houses with Eyes

Something's watching you.
Tennille, Georgia

Pig Monument

An odd and heartwarming stone marker enshrines the moment a community saved a farmer's pig that fell in a well.
Kalsoy, Faroe Islands

Kallur Lighthouse

This isolated structure beckons adventurers with sublime views of the Faroe Islands.
Three Forks, Montana

Jim's Horn House

A collection of 16,000 antlers crammed beautifully into a small shed.
Nepean Island, Australia

Nepean Island

This tiny uninhabited islet off the coast of Norfolk Island was formed by blowing sand from nearby dunes.
Yucca Mesa, California

Rhythms of Life

An artist's vision for connectivity spans seven continents and 16 countries.
Joshua Tree, California

Hicksville Trailer Palace

An eclectic trailer park retreat in the middle of the California desert.
Landers, California

Giant Rock

A regular looking rock with an unbelievable history.
Landers, California

The Integratron

Experience a quartz crystal sound bath inside a storied, all-wood sound-chamber.