piercefoster13's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Moose, Wyoming

T. A. Moulton Barn

This rustic old building is said to be the most photographed barn in America.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Isa Lake

The only natural lake in the world that drains into both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Lone Star Geyser

This Yellowstone geyser may not shoot as high as the nearby Old Faithful, but it erupts for considerably longer.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Morning Glory Pool

A beautiful geyser under environmental threat.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

The Crow's Nest at the Old Faithful Inn

An architect's childhood fantasy treehouse made real.
Verdi, California

Crystal Mine

A mine in the Sierra Nevada that produced nothing but barren quartz.
Oroville, California

Bidwell Bar Bridge

California's first suspension bridge.
Oroville, California

Mother Orange Tree

The oldest orange tree in California spawned a generation of citrus farmers.
Manhattan, Nevada


The second seat of Nye County, still mostly a ghost town, has become a magnet for those looking to live "away from it all."
Millett, Nevada


A difficult trail leads to interesting ruins in a remote canyon in the Toiyabe Range.
Gabbs, Nevada

Gabbs Mine

The only United States mine for magnesium carbonate has been operating continuously since the 1930s.
Tonopah, Nevada

Tonopah Mining Park

An errant donkey ushered in a new era of mining in Nevada.
Silver Peak, Nevada

Silver Peak

The precious-metals strikes dating back to the 1860s are now mostly inactive, but this area has become the United States' only domestic source of lithium.
Beatty, Nevada


This small town was built around a marble quarry and named after one of the most famous sources of marble in the world.
Bridgeport, California

Sinnamon Cut

This trench, some 2,300 feet long, is only the most prominent relic of a largely forgotten episode of placer mining on the east slope of the Sierra Nevada.
Lundy, California

May Lundy Mine

A scenic hike in the High Sierra that ends at an old gold mine.
Lee Vining, California

Black Point Fissures by Mono Lake

Deep vertical fissures like miniature slot canyons cut across the cemented volcanic rock of Black Point above Mono Lake.
June Lake, California

Obsidian Dome

A natural dome made of volcanic glass in Inyo National Forest.
Mono Mills, California

Mono Mills

A relic of the region's once booming timber industry.
Scheelite, California

Pine Creek Tungsten Mine

For decades, the largest tungsten producer in the U.S. was located in a spectacular setting in the high Sierra Nevada, with some of the workings over 11,000 feet.
Swall Meadows, California

White Mountain Peak

A small research station sits at the summit of this mountain, which is one of the few U.S. peaks higher than 14,000 feet outside of the Sierra Nevada.
Inyo County, California

Fossil Falls

Smooth basaltic rocks tell a tale of ancient glacial waterfalls.
Bodfish, California

Silver City Ghost Town

This ramshackle ghost town is comprised of mining-era buildings collected from around the region.
Earlimart, California

Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park

A ghost town originally established and governed solely by Black Americans seeking a place of their own, free from discrimination.