lizhuhwhat's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New York, New York

The SeaGlass Carousel

Manhattan’s Battery Park has a whimsical carousel full of spinning, glowing fish.
New York, New York

The Wishbones of McSorley's Old Ale House

Touching mementoes from those who didn't make it back from World War I still hang in one of New York's oldest bars.
New York, New York

One Times Square

This historic address is home to the beloved ball and is an almost totally empty building among the most expensive real estate in the world.
New York, New York

New Yorker Hotel

The New York hotel where tragic visionary Nikola Tesla spent his final hours, destitute and alone but for the pigeons.
Stockholm, Sweden

Vasa Museum

It houses the remains of a 17th-century version of the Titanic.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Metro Art Gallery

Stockholm's decidedly unique public transit system has doubled as the world's longest art gallery for decades.
St. Joseph, Minnesota

Saint John's Abbey Church

A jaw-dropping brutalist space church seems to have crash-landed in the middle of America.
Des Moines, Iowa

Pappajohn Sculpture Park

Millions of dollars worth of sculpture decorate this Iowa city center.
London, England

Platform 9 3/4

Kings Cross Station pays tribute to its role in Britain's best-selling book series.
London, England

Pelicans of St James's Park

Giant, friendly pelicans in Central London, the most unlikely of places.
Kutna Hora, Czechia

Sedlec Ossuary "Bone Church"

A church of bones, decorated with 40,000 human skeletons.
Prague, Czechia

Žižkov Tower

Looming communist pillar with a Czech twist.
Prague, Czechia


This automated sculpture of two men peeing will spell out text messages with their micturition.
York, England

Cat Statues of York

A century-old tradition has culminated in a small but singular collection of feline effigies.