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Places visited in The Hague, Netherlands
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Gullfoss (Golden Falls)

If a glacial river suddenly diving into a sheer chasm via a dramatic, multi-stage waterfall isn't peak Iceland, it's certainly close.

Bridge Between Continents

Walk in the footsteps of the gods and straddle two tectonic plates.

Kerið Crater Lake

This eye-popping Icelandic crater lake is surrounded by red volcanic rock.
Grindavík, Iceland

Blue Lagoon

Medicinal spa created with the discharge from a geothermal energy plant.
Thingvellir, Iceland


This natural Icelandic fissure allows divers to swim right between two volatile tectonic plates.
Thingvellir, Iceland


The picturesque birthplace of Icelandic democracy is drenched in the blood of its brutal past.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Monument to the Unknown Bureaucrat

Iceland's tribute to its thankless civil servants.
Reykjavik, Iceland


This stunning concert hall has become a symbol of Iceland's national recovery.
Reykjavik, Iceland


One of the tallest buildings in Iceland, and perhaps, the most visually impressive.
Évora, Portugal

Portugal's Chapel of Bones

A 16th century chapel decorated with bones, skulls, and entire bodies hanging from the wall.
Lisbon, Portugal

Conserveira de Lisboa

The best place in the world to buy tinned fish.
Moscow, Russia

Moscow Metro Stations

The gorgeous entrances into the city's underbelly look more like grand halls than subway stops.
Moscow, Russia

Lenin's Mausoleum

This building holds the embalmed remains of the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Moscow, Russia

Red Gates skyscraper

Stalinist skyscraper built with help of cryotechnology.
Zurich, Switzerland

Pavillion Le Corbusier

Constructed along the shores of Lake Zurich, this pavilion is a walk-through work of art.
Odesa, Ukraine

Odesa Catacombs

The largest catacomb system in the world.
Odessa, Ukraine

Potemkin Stairs

Featured in one of the most iconic scenes in cinema history.
Pripyat, Ukraine

Abandoned Avanhard Stadium of Pripyat

One of the most poignant ruins of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the local football team's stadium has been quickly reclaimed by nature.
Pripyat, Ukraine

Pripyat Amusement Park

This attraction was abandoned after the Chernobyl disaster.
Pripyat, Ukraine

Abandoned City of Pripyat

The ghost town left by the worst nuclear disaster of all time is being taken over by nature and urban explorers.
Pripyat, Ukraine

Canteen 19

The dining hall that nourishes workers in Chernobyl's Exclusion Zone is also open to visitors.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Rodina-Mat : Mother Motherland

340-foot statue built to honour the Heroes of the Soviet Union.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Kyiv Monastery of the Caves and Microminiature Museum

This 1000 year old relic-filled cave monastery and UNESCO World Heritage Site also hosts an amazing micro-miniature museum.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Nicolaï Syadristy’s Micro Miniature Museum

One of the world’s best microminiaturist, Nicolaï Siadristy displays his lifetime of tiny creations in this museum.