helitua's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Aquinnah, Massachusetts

Aquinnah Cliffs

Colorful clay cliffs tower over an unofficial nudist beach on Martha's Vineyard.
São Paulo, Brazil

Former World's Tallest Lego Tower

Many cities have held the title, but Brazil snatched the crown from Chile in 2011.
Quixeramobim, Brazil

Pyramids of the Order of the Guardians of the Pharaohs

Modern pyramids built to channel positive energy have also fomented local tales of animal sacrifice.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Zeppelin Hangar at Santa Cruz Air Force Base

One of the world's last well-maintained airship hangars.
Manaus, Brazil

Museu do Homem do Norte (Northern Man Museum)

This anthropological museum offers a glimpse into the lives of the Indigenous peoples of the Amazon River Basin.
Recife, Brazil

Ricardo Brennand Institute

A Tudor-style castle in Brazil holds one of the world's largest armory collections.
São Paulo, Brazil

Parque Trianon

This park feels like a lush little jungle full of wildlife nestled within São Paulo.
São Paulo, Brazil

Museu Penitenciário Paulista

A former prison complex now displays a historic collection of inmate artwork.
São Paulo, Brazil

Museu de Arte de São Paulo

This singular art museum in São Paulo is unique inside and out.
São Paulo, Brazil

Walter Galera Garden

Hidden in plain sight, this lush garden sits atop one of the most iconic buildings in São Paulo.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Bangu Statue of Liberty

This Brazilian Lady Liberty is one of the few replicas that was actually made by the original designer.
Santana do Riacho, Brazil

Cachoeira do Lajeado

This unique 230-foot waterfall is a natural beauty hidden within the vast wild landscape.
São Paulo, Brazil

Castelinho da Rua Apa

Striking ruins of a mansion that stood center stage in one of modern Brazil's most puzzling crimes.
São Paulo, Brazil

Jardim Botânico de São Paulo

A jungle in the heart of São Paulo reminds visitors of what Brazil looked like untouched by man.
Caxias do Sul, Brazil

Caxias do Sul Dog Favela

A puppy slum that protects canines from the cruelties of the human slums.
São Pedro da Aldeia, Brazil

Casa da Flor

A self built castle built by a salt worker in Brazil.
Nova Friburgo, Brazil

Jardim do Nêgo (Nêgo's Garden)

Moss-covered sculptures fill this small Brazilian gorge.
Boca do Acre, Brazil

Boca do Acre

Hub for hallucinogenic Amazon religion.
Laranjal do Jari, Brazil

The Nazi Graveyard of Brazil

This gravesite in the Amazon Rainforest was left behind by a failed Third Reich expedition.
São Paulo, Brazil

La Madone de São Paulo

This giant mural of Santa Muerte in downtown São Paulo reminds passersby of their own mortality.
Curitiba, Brazil

Museu Oscar Niemeyer

Museum precariously perched on a massive yellow pillar.
Manaus, Brazil

Encontro das Águas (Meeting of Waters)

This striking, two-toned confluence of rivers is visible from space.
Recife, Brazil

Francisco Brennand's Ceramic Workshop

The massive gardens and office of a Brazilian sculptor.
Brasília, Brazil

Cathedral of Brasília

A stunning Catholic cathedral built by a curve-loving communist in Brazil’s newly created capital.