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Paris, France

‘Dénicheur d’Oursons’

A gruesome combat between a hunter and a furious momma bear.
Paris, France

Fontaine de la Croix-du-Trahoir

Executions were once held near this beautiful 18th-century fountain.
Paris, France

'French Republic or Death' Graffiti

For more than a century, revolutionary graffiti has marked the wall of a Parisian church.
Paris, France

Vaslav Nijinsky’s Grave

A melancholy jester sits on the grave of a famous 20th-century ballet dancer and choreographer.
Paris, France

El Clan Destino

The storefront of a ramshackle Parisian puppet theater.
Paris, France

Place de la Reunion Fountain

Ordinary art transforms to extraordinary thanks to locals' quirky sense of humor.
Paris, France

Doctor Charcot's Library

The personal library of the founder of modern neurology is open to visitors.
Paris, France

Hotel Lutetia

A glamorous hotel that once accommodated French resistance fighters and concentration camp survivors.
Paris, France

Georges Méliès's Grave

The final resting place of the "father of special effects."
Paris, France

Medici Column

The spiral staircase hidden inside this giant Parisian column was likely built for Catherine de Medici's astrologer.
Paris, France

Notre Dame du Travail Church

The industrial architecture honors the laborers who brought the Exposition Universelle of 1900 to life.
Paris, France

Musée de la Contrefaçon

An odd museum dedicated to French fakes.
Paris, France

Pont de la Concorde

This bridge was constructed from the rubble of the infamous Bastille.
Paris, France

The One-Two-Two

This innocuous-seeming building is actually the remnant of a major wartime brothel.
Paris, France

The Grand Lodge of France

One of the oldest masonic museums in Paris.
Paris, France

Grave of Antoine-Augustin Parmentier

The tomb of history's greatest potato promoter is surrounded by tubers.
Paris, France

Jean-Paul Marat's Bathtub at Musée Grévin

A magical, macabre wax museum, beloved by locals, uses real artifacts to depict an assassination from the French Revolution.
Paris, France

The Wax and Bone Relics of Saint Vincent de Paul

Saintly bones pressed into a wax effigy of a Catholic superstar.
Paris, France

Maison de Serge Gainsbourg

The former home of France's controversial pop maestro is almost completely covered in ever-changing tributes and graffiti.
Paris, France

Chez Christiane

BDSM, 1930s Style.
Paris, France

Arago Medallions

135 bronze medallions mark a French meridian line which once rivaled the hotshot Greenwich timeline.
Paris, France

Cours des Miracles (Court of Miracles)

Beggars were miraculously "cured" of their fake ailments when they returned home to this 17th century Paris slum each night.
Paris, France

Cimetiere de Picpus

The headless bodies of more than 1,300 guillotined victims of the Reign of Terror are buried here in mass graves.
Paris, France

Jardin d'Acclimatation

In this Parisian garden's grotesque former life as a zoo it fed exotic animals to the bourgeois and put humans on exhibit.