meganlfox92's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Anatori Burial Vaults

Legend says these stone structures are where the doomed citizens of a vanished village sent themselves to die.
Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok Coin Museum

Chronicling the history of Thailand’s unique currencies, from the silver “bullet money” to porcelain gambling tokens of various shapes.
Barcelona, Spain

The Güell Pavillions Dragon Gate

This stunning iron gate designed by Modernist architect Antoni Gaudí is filled with mythic symbolism.
Barcelona, Spain

Museu de Carrosses Fúnebres de Barcelona

This Funeral Hearse Museum represents the finest in cadaver transportation.
Barcelona, Spain

Hash Marijuana & Hemp Museum Barcelona

A stately palace has been converted into the world's largest cannabis museum.
New York, New York

Roosevelt Island Lighthouse

A little lighthouse in New York City, surrounded by mysterious stories of insanity-driven construction.
New York, New York

Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library

A good place to research the Freemasons, esoterica, occultism, and hermeticism.
Helsinki, Finland


This restaurant combines two Finnish traditions in one place: warm-weather relaxation and outdoor carpet-cleaning.
Melbourne, Australia

Cow Up a Tree

This piece of Australian modern art is part joke and part history.
Moscow, Russia

House With Animals

Its front wall is striped with a menagerie of fantastic beasts and magnificent monsters.
Moscow, Russia

Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy

This newly renovated Soviet-era outdoor exhibition center is bigger than the principality of Monaco.
Paris, France

Lines of Cremains at Père Lachaise Cemetery

Stripes of human ashes cover a back lawn in the most sought-after burial grounds in Paris.
Paris, France

The Relic Crypt of St. Helena at Église Saint-Leu-Saint-Gilles

This little-known relic crypt holds stolen parts of a Roman Empress.
Paris, France

Crypt Beneath St. Joseph des Carmes

The recovered bones of martyrs slaughtered during The Terror are on display in this church crypt.
Paris, France

Arènes de Lutèce

Remains of Roman amphitheater hidden in a sleepy quarter of Paris.
Paris, France

Musée Edith Piaf

This museum in a Paris apartment gives a unique look at the iconic French singer's life.
Palermo, Italy

Arabic Inscription of Palermo Cathedral

Why a column on the entrance is inscribed with a verse from the Quran is one of Sicily's many mysteries.
Palermo, Italy

Santuario di Santa Rosalia

Cave shrine on Monte Pellegrino.
Lisbon, Portugal

Preserved Head of Diogo Alves

An early Portuguese serial killer's head is alarmingly well preserved in a jar at the University of Lisbon.
Sintra, Portugal

Pena National Palace

This unreal Portuguese palace looks as though it's made from a pile of different castles.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Pinball Hall of Fame

This incredible collection of vintage pinball machines can be played at 25 cents a pop.
Alexandrovsky District, Russia

Nazino Island

Social outcasts and cannibalism in Stalin's Soviet Union.
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Literary Café

Once frequented by heavyweights of the Russian arts scene, this café is stuck in the 1800s.
Kazan, Russia

Suyumbike Tower

Russia's own leaning tower was built on a tragic historical fable.